yes this could go on forever.
i mean we have poms, aussies, yanks, lebos, wogs, krauts etc etc
i think in this modern day alot of people dont realise the cultural importance (ie the derogitory nature) of these words.
I call my mates wogs, my mates call me a pom. I take no offence.
but if the japanese culture views this as an extremely offensive word like 'nip' then maybe we as a culture should attempt to be more sensitive.
I thought the words 'Jap' sort of dulled out the meaning and just became short for japanese towards and after 2000.
In the 50,60,70,80s and even the 90s it was offensive, but now i think alot of western culture just uses it as short without knowing its aggressive meaning.
Just like we call Americans - Yanks.