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Everything posted by Bullet32

  1. Ok, weird... Sent again.
  2. Sooo cold last night! I couldnt feel my toes after about half and hour! Was great to catch up with a few guys though... Especially when we went to the pub for beers Richard - Send me text and I'll drop your locks to you this weekend. Troy - You have a PM with my mobile number
  3. I'll be there from about 9pm to about 9:45pm... I'm sure we'll all be plenty frozen by then.
  4. Well if anyone wants their Club Lock or just wants to go for a drive tonight I'll be out at the usual spot... I'll be dusting off the 32 and bringing it along as well.
  5. Sorry guys, I've been on leave (went to the snow) for a few days, haven't been near a computer. How about this... Meet this Friday night at the "Friday night meeting place" and I'll bring all the locks with me so you can just grab them. Does this work for everyone? Sumanator - If they really want your car they'll get it by any means necessary but my question is: Where the steering locks you used the proper Club Lock brand ones or a cheaper alternative? Either way, better off using one as a deterrent than nothing at all.
  6. South side is the only side Richard! You can drop by and pick yours up whenever you like... I'll PM you my phone number.
  7. +1 for Inline - just make sure you give Chris a time limit cos he tends to spend a lot of time getting everything absolutely perfect.
  8. Well I have the Club Locks... So how do we arrange to get them to everyone, any suggestions?
  9. Update: 1. Count Richard (Sin) x 3 - In for 3 - PAID 2. Pete (Mivec) x 1 - PAID 3. Jamestheghey x 1 In for 1 4. Troy x 1 In for 1 - PAID 5. Pat x 1 - PAID 6. Mick x 1 - In for 1 7. Jimmy - PAID I'll pick em' up next week and let you all know when I have them
  10. Hi guys, I've only recieved payment from 3 people so far... We won't get as good a discount if we don't get enough people buying 1. Count Richard (Sin) x 3 - In for 3 2. Pete (Mivec) x 1 3. Jamestheghey x 1 In for 1 4. Troy x 1 In for 1 - PAID 5. Pat x 1 - PAID 6. Mick x 1 - In for 1 7. Jimmy - PAID
  11. LOL James... Say what again!! Seriously though, I'll PM everyone who wants one so you can give me money.
  12. Ok, I contacted my mate... The proper Club Lock brand steering wheel locks are the best ones you can buy, the company even gives a $1500 guarantee that your car won't be stolen with one fitted (they'll pay you $1500 if it does happen, at least that could cover your insurance excess) so they are the bees-knees of steering locks. These are usually almost $70.00 each but we can get them for $50.00 if we have a minimum order of 8... I can pick them up whenever we like as well, so if you're keen for one then post here whether you're in or out (if you're in send me a PM and I'll let you know my account details so you can deposit the cash). 1. Count Richard (Sin) x 3 2. Pete (Mivec) x 1 3. Jamesux x 1 4. Troy x 1 5. Pat x 1 6. Mick x 1 - In for 1 7. Jimmy
  13. Where are you located Paul? If you are in NSW and you sign up as a NSW club member you can benefit from the excellent savings on Federal Tyres available to club members... You should easily be able to grab some 595RS-R's for less than the price you have listed in your first post. If you're not in NSW, have a look at www.federaltyres.com.au for info on the 595RS-R's
  14. Ok, so far: 1. Count Richard (Sin) x 3 2. Pete (Mivec) x 1 3. Jamesux x 1 4. Troy x 1 5. Pat x 1 6. Mick x 1 (I'll get another one for the missus car). I'll wait until Friday to get pricing just so that everyone has a chance to get their name down.
  15. Ok so put your name down if you want a club lock (or more than 1 if you like) and I'll get prices this week. 1. Richard (Sin) x 3 2. Pete (Mivec) x 1
  16. Would anyone like me to see if I can get a group buy going through my mate who is a Repco store manager? I can't make any promises but I might be able to get a fair discount on them
  17. Welcome Ben, Nice selection of cars you have there! I think I've seen your RX7 "being silly" on the road a few times...
  18. It's not as 'stupid' a question as you might think... I have seen many cars on the road that have directional tyres on backwards (I always have a bit of a chuckle to myself). Directional tread patterns are essentially only designed to work properly when they rotate in the right direction... Although they will still disperse water and provide dry grip they won't work anywhere near as well when rolling backwards... Especially on wet roads. They probably are to blame for your car under-steering in the wet because at driving speeds (anything over about 30kmh) they aren't able to channel water out of the tread grooves efficiently enough and the directional tread sipes aren't opening up to provide extra leading edges to cut through the layer of water and grip the road underneath. As Global_warmer suggested: just swap the wheels from side to side and you should find that they'll perform much better.
  19. Been there done that... I use one on my 4WD and because you almost have to jump into it (cos its so high off the ground) I've ended up head-butting the club lock more than once Small price to pay for peace of mind though.
  20. Just a point of interest for everyone here who doesnt want their pride and joy stolen... A friend of mine is a Police officer and he has responded to hundreds of calls for stolen cars in his time in the force. His advice to me has always been buy a steering wheel (Club) lock and use it every time you park your car no matter how safe you think it is. Car theives don't bother with cars that have a good quality steering wheel lock fitted as they take too long to remove, so they move on and find another car that is easier prey. A good quality Club lock is about $60 - $80, so ask yourself whether its worth spending such a small amount to potentially save you thousands in repairs or an insurance excess (or worse). I've been using Club locks for at least 10 years and have never had a car stolen. Just some advice, take it or leave it.
  21. Spotted an LM Blue R33 GTR with what looked like black Work Meister S1's yesterday morning... I know that it's someone on here but I cant remember who. That's one sexy R33 you have there!
  22. Why would that be a problem? Drop your car off at Techworkz for a day or so and then pick it up when it's done... They'll take it to ESP and have it tuned for you, it's a win-win situation
  23. I honestly can't believe this hasn't sold yet...
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