I think the bottom line is:
Everyone that turns up tonight has an obligation to drive in a safe, responsible way when in the group.
Obey all road rules, indicate, dont speed and basically drive to the conditions.
When we are parked in a group - take into account that there are allot of cars in the group, which means that we will be taking up allot of room, so check around you before you stop and get out, as you might be in the line of traffic (which needless to say is pretty dangerous).
When travelling out to the museum tonight - BEHAVE YOURSELF because if you attract negative attention on the way to this event and the police turn up before we even leave with the intention to book us all we wont have a very good night.
Im not trying to preach and Im not saying that Im an angel on the road, I know that some of us get a bit carried away sometimes at these things so Im just speaking for everyone when I say that to have a great night and for us to all return home safely we need a few guidelines and some common sense.
Ive been to several events since being a member of this forum and only maybe 10 - 15% have ended badly, but the reason for it ending badly was always because of one or two people doing something stupid.