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Everything posted by miniwog

  1. Could be onto something here... It's allegably quite easy for Ford drivers to overturn GTR's
  2. Maybe they brought home the wrong baby????
  3. indeed, had to farken work last night. missed the last 2 now dammit
  4. nice work joel lol at my "hot 4" and "performance" car making an appearence
  5. i would never imply such a thing! that is pure crazy talk.
  6. The problem with most people is that they have done the wrong thing but simply cannot accept the fact that they were actually caught! Over the years I've had many encounters with the cops and amazingly, every single time I was actually doing the wrong thing, which is why they actually pulled me over in the first place....amazing isn't it? Sure some of them seemed like bastards on power trips, but what do you expect when you're the 50th person that week he's had to tell off for doing the same wrong thing? Maybe they should came upto the drivers window and say "oh hello dear, can you please try not to do that naughty thing again, its just a little bit dangerous and little sally crossing the road over there is scared, thanks muchly, please move along" While people have an issue with the amount of power cops are given at their "discretion", if you're old enough to have a licence and be driving then its not too hard to accept the consequences. Want to speed? Accept you may be caught and given a fine. Want to drag your mate or do a launch from the far left lane to bypass all the traffic at the lights? Accept you may be caught and the cop that does so may not care for just giving a warning. Anyone saying that they cannot drive without even chirping tyres and so forth is just jerking their chain that little bit too hard!
  7. you just aren't trying hard enough! you just have to "train" the gearbox to like it yeah coz we need to see videos of people other than just pete hamming it up!!!!
  8. LOL I dont need any more videos of bass dori dammit!!!! cbf with msn, its couch time now. tomorrow!
  9. dont make jokes, im still driving around on my deca'ised tyres! im hitting refresh every second, nothing yet hehe
  10. having withdrawals waiting for next deca... i saw at least eleventy people taking footage, wheres the videos?
  11. The supra looks cool as! You need to show these to the organisers of that aussie mini cars series that supports the v8 supercars, mini supras and gtrs tearing up the track would look great, altho they might get banned again
  12. Hahaha that looks great!
  13. Well i don't have photography to fall back on, so i'll just stick to being a hack But you're dead right about how fun it is...no matter how bad you might do!
  14. LOL same here! Good work Joel, lucky your photography skill is better than your attempt at driving a RWD
  15. lol, this is gonna get ugly!
  16. Dammit, I still can't come outright last if I try! I know I farked up the first shep laps, but I'm sure I got it right the 2nd time. I demand points for the final shep laps run, ensuring that I come dead last out of everyone who completed every event! Thus ensuring the last place trophy is mine! ....there is a trophy for coming last isn't there?
  17. Absolute top event as per usual. Was great to have some nice weather too after the last "little storm" we experienced! The team have pretty much perfected the organisation of these things now! I was worried about the placement of the chicane on the miniwang, but it turned out to be great. Hanging the rear out of the chicane in that gravel was good fun. My driving probably haven't got any better, but that doesn't matter one bit! As stupid as this may sound (to me anyway), sorry to a few people who wanted to risk their lives overturning in the boat and asked for passenger laps but um missed out (were spared???). Every time I got ready to queue up for a pan event, someone would just jump in the car and strap themselves down hehe. Was good to meet a few more people too, now just have to work out their forum names. Bring on the next one
  18. no one else will say it, but im a kent so its ok....few more withdrawals and we can double our pan time! oh yeh, bad luck with the car
  19. And you can't get any closer to the action, altho with some of the nutbags out on the pan that might not be such a good thing
  20. You can take me off that list, booked in for a new clutch on thursday! bring on deca! Dane you know you gotta do it, without brisby on the pan, we need someone else to sit on the limiter all day!
  21. Must be an evil clutch spirt lurking around DECA competitors! I took the shitbox in for a bit of a check today and got it back only to be told that the clutch is on its way out so I gotta take it easy heh. take it easy? fark that for a joke! Gonna see if I can convince them to just put in a new one before saturday hehe PS: Dane don't be a big pansy, either get upstaged driving the missus's car or bring the clubby
  22. Oi! We were um testing taco bill sombreros as a valid form of safety device! And some competitors are always willing to put in the extra effort to make it more interesting for the flaggies
  23. Damn freaked me out there! Couldn't find an event thread and saw this accom one and thought that dirty kent snowy....he needs a brick thru the window! He's safe for now it seems
  24. So what are the chances that the damage was caused by those 2 wheels you had to remove on the way back from the DECA test day? Given the damage to the tyres, more than likely did some damage to the shockers too?
  25. Sails on the Bay in elwood on the foreshore was pretty damn good from memory.
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