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Everything posted by miniwog

  1. RBpushPOWR and myself will rock up at some point also
  2. If this is the ~5min clip jack showed us, then yes, top farken work! Even better than the mountain pass one. 60mins of that type of footage and editing is a million times better than the shit that serious performance dvd series and the like are! And whats better still is pete only gets shown once for like 3secs. If we can get it another 3secs less, even better
  3. Hopefully benno uses some of that not so common sense and keeps your shitbox off the road just that little bit longer then
  4. I crack myself up, in all my runs i dont think there is a single "clean" start to finish hehe The incar group one is gold, I don't quite get what James is trying to tell us at the start Good work pete, lots of good vids there. If they don't motivate people to sign up for the next day, then i dunno what will!
  5. Happy birthday comrade! Farken old kent
  6. Pfft! I could have won too if i wasn't navigating the HMAS Fraud
  7. You're probably just too drunk to remember any! You were sporting quite a few battle scars after last years GP weekend...no one said the fight had to involve other persons
  8. Firefox downloaded it for me as some stupid ipb file or something. Renaming it to a PDF worked sweet, try that. Not that I have any reason to look at the results
  9. LOL yes, yes I am! I take comfort in knowing I am keeping some people amused and the rest feeling much better about their efforts. Agreed, it sucked being knocked out first go in November, at least this time I could still ham it up and get another go!
  10. And we hadn't even been drinking
  11. So the only people I beat are the ones who retired early? LOL, teh boat can nevar loose! Guess I better add something useful here, to all the people that think about coming to DECA but don't...... shows that even if you come last you can still giggle your farken arse off allllll day!
  12. LOL yeh L28 even, stupid brain! The car's also a bit lighter being around 1000kg which is always gonna help! The taxi really didn't like all you fat kents in the car, i think it was the only time I didn't 360 or 720! Must have been all that extra downforce haha. Ford...Dirt...PI...i dunno wtf you're talkin about
  13. Top day as per usual! I wasn't really interested in the day when I woke up and still wasn't once I'd arrived at shep. Getting on the skidpan sorted that tho I don't think I'll ever learn how to steer the boat, but I will say its god damn unpossible in the water, was like driving on ice No doubt there will be some highly amusing videos and photos from the day Thanks to the club for running these and all the officials, especially the ones crazy enough to stand on the skidpan so close to some of us maniacs Um yellow zed jack would be an L28, not RB20 hehe
  14. I really don't know why that is funny.... But yeh best fun EVAR!
  15. meh too early! i could have swore it was only like a 1.5hr drive?
  16. well i can't exactly say i know what i'm doing out around those hats can i?
  17. haha yeh its all too hard. when in doubt, just spin. it keeps the crowd entertained anyway
  18. lol im not sure if i should tell that stupid pres to spell my name right or give me some bond'esk anonymity?
  19. miniwog


    was only a matter of time
  20. miniwog


    I'm glad I took the plates off now! Great article and pics, especially love the one of my car and the caption! Nice work Joel
  21. Also agree! DECA: "Fun is good!"
  22. miniwog

    Bali Nine

    I'd rather be shot than sit and rot in a bali jail for the rest of my life, but then again I don't have to worry because only an absolute farken idiot would even think about playing with drugs in these asian countries. i agree, so how do we go about getting you shipped elsewhere so all your court cases are funded by someone else?
  23. And always some idiots willing to [attempt to] put on a show for the crowd! :lol:
  24. Sounds about right. My yearly hba cost is slightly less than what the medicare junk would be at tax time, and I get the benefit of some rebates when I goto the dentist etc. Ambo membership however? That is worth it's weight in GOLD! (Well maybe the weight of an ambulance, since the card ain't much hehe) Only like ~$50 a year, every hoon should have it
  25. Already said I would, but if you loose I take an arm and a leg.
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