The Jackal.. were you out last night with WLD33??
We met up with him (Michael is it?) and PeteSmith said something about you going too... I wasn't really introduced to anyone so I didn't know whether you were there or not!
I've got a UHF handheld (dickie smith special) and as of today have installed a new UHF radio. Its bigger, better and more powerful. As I found out last night ( and have known for some time that the $99 radios aren't that powerful... but loosing your group and trying to keep up with the other group and telling the others where they were heading is quite difficult if the radio doesn't go very far) ... So we have upgraded but are still keeping the handheld for something to communicate with while listening to the scanner. (the uhf we bought has UHF and scanner capabilities). If you like me and want to be able to be heard if you break away from the pack, you might see some interest in buying a more powerful radio than the little handhelds.
But yes to answer your original question.. Quite a few people have UHF radios now down the coast. Its quite handy for someone to sit at the front.. someone at the back to watch out for things..