The r32 and r33 plug-ins are different, please specify which model you are selling.
If the wolf comes with a hand controller, it has PIN security, so the car can not be started b4 the 4 digit pin number is entered. This feature can be disabled at will, so no-one else has to know the pin. Has peak hold on all displayed values. Is a MAP sensing ecu, so you don’t have to upgrade to expensive airflow meters when you want to make some serious power. I believe it has more tunning points than the pfc, but your mechanic would need to be proficient with its features.
Basically an ecu is only as good as the tuner tunning your car. So find a mechanic you trust and purchase their preferred ecu, otherwise you'll keep having dramas. I've had the Wolf3D V4 for about 3-4yrs, was one of the first as my mechanic knows Steve from AEM (the manufacturers of the Wolf). There occasionally have been a couple of bugs, but these have all been sorted with time and I am very pleased with the results.
PS: When was this ecu purchased, and has it been upgraded since its purchase? There have been a few updates since it was first released 4yrs ago.