I am asking the following questions, NOT to undermine your product, but to get a clear understanding; Is such an alarm legal? Does it have a fail safe system to disable the car while not in motion?
I have heard that previous alarms of this type have been banned/prohibited as it may cause a fatal accident. If a theif was to steal your car, then you get a message from the alarm, you disable the engine, cutting off; power steering, brakes, etc. The theif then looses control and kills someone or hurts himself, as a result of the your actions. I am sure the insurance will refuse to pay the costs, as the accident had occured, by you disabling the car while in motion.
I would suggest that all interested ppl contact their insurance company and explain all details of this alarm (especially the part about disabling the car's ignition system/power while the car may be in motion.) and ask if they would cover such a device.