Just hate it when it is time to produce funds and people post 5hit like that above, without finding out the facts first. FFS! the last i looked Skylines did not use the same brakes, suspension, etc as a Silvia. These are a far superiour engineered cars, if you want to fit Silvia lines on your 34, buy it from there. But Skylines use a 2 piece hose and a divider block for the front lines, hence extra manufacturing cost.
If you want to be petty, take it up with Steve at Maltech, i have organized this buy for the interest of the club, have nothing to personally gain, as i have already got my set 3 months ago, without the discount.
If you had simply compared the two RRP's you could have seen that Skyline lines are $430rrp and Silvia lines are $405rrp. Thus there is a $25 price differance and here you are only paying $11 extra.