- fmic (quality matters)
- Std turbo @ 12psi (be prepared to pay for hi-flow, just incase the turbo fails, due to the ceramic exhaust wheel flying off. Mine lasted at least 2yrs and i sold it after i took it off, others have lasted 1hour)
- ECU = Many options and it all depends on who you want to work on your car.
- I have heard good thing about Ray (and his team) at RE Customs. He likes to tune Power FC's
- I have seen great work from Robert @ Sabbadin. He is great with facbrication and modification, knows his RB's well and is an awesome tunner on Wolf and PowerFC ecu's. He is very fussy about his work and take pride in the finished result.
- Personally i use a Wolf 3D V4, on my 33, and it is great. The Wolf 3D V500 shits all over the Pfc, Microtech and Haltech, it is MAP or MAF compatable, and is compairable to the MOTEC ecu's.
- Upgraded fuel pump is also recommended.
- DEFINATELY UPGRADE SUSPENSION. The Bilsteins mentioned above are great for street use, are very comfortable and handle well even on the track. I personally am about to use TEIN Super Street, they have 32 damper adjustments to change the stiffness of the shock, from soft (for hwy/street), to hard (for track use). If you intend to occationally go through the twisties, etc, then suspension is one of the most important items, EVEN B4 YOU BUY THE ECU!
- BRAKES: No need to go too serious hear. A pair of slotted rotors for the front (eg:DBA4000), quality pads and most important BRAKE FLUID (eg:Motul SBF600). Once again when you go through the twisties, you want to make sure you brakes don't get too hot and fade, ending you day short.
My recommended order of modifications:
- Exhaust
- High quality air filter in standard air box (good to about 220rwkw)
- Coilovers
- Whiteline Handling Pack; with additonal front camber adj bushes and rear sub-frame pinapples.
- Brakes; slotted rotors, performance pads and performance fluid
- Boost controller
- Braided brake lines (Make sure they are ADR approved)
If you have any further question, etc, don't hesitate to drop me a PM
Good Luck and safe driving