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Everything posted by r34_skyline

  1. and no racing stickers or custom plates. those minor non functional assessories just attracts attention. has any1 actually caught a guy keying their car ? if u did, what was your response ? i know half of you would say, yeh, i stabbed and bashed the fark outta him, locked him in my boot and took him out to the bushes and left him there. but honestly, if u did hurt them in some way, would u get locked up ? sometimes u cannot control yourself and end up doing regretful things.
  2. even if the can did hit my car, i wouldnt dare get out and teach them a lesson unless i had 3 friend cars behind me. its sometimes better to take the shit and leave it at that. but if it was serious, thats a different issue.
  3. i would only ever mod my car to a certain extent. the way i see it, i dont need a 10sec car on the road, really whats the point ? aslong my car has an exhaust, pod, alloys, minor bodykit and a nice sound system then im happy. no need for massive turbos, cams etc. why bother spending 3grand on something that u cant legally use on the road ?
  4. if u were a cop driving your weekend skyline, i'd love to see the reaction on the bogan's face. :lol:
  5. be prepared to be bombarded with FAKES !!!
  6. hrmm if u put it thats way, no. but if mui's tech wax goes hand in hand with their car wash liquid then yep, definately.
  7. yeh, i use amorall aswell. in the end its only a car shampoo. any1 else
  8. secret bong pipe
  9. a bird shot a shit inside my car a few yrs ago. lucky it was on the passenger side.
  10. im sure alot of u guys have used the expensive and cheapo stuff etc. i want to know from your experiences if there was a difference between good liquid car wash(muiguiar) and cheapo car wash(coles brand). i've been thinking about this for awhile, but i really dunno if i should use the expensive stuff. i know wax is a different story, but yeh. what are your experiences ?
  11. anything is possible with money. money = potiential.
  12. cheeers funky !! oh, link works
  13. i have to agree with the "do your parents know what a skyline is". most non car enthusiast (ie parents) wouldnt have a clue about the car or the engine. they would probably assume its a V6 camry with a nicer body. if they knew the car can rip to 100km+ in under 5sec they would probably reconsider. oh, i have a question for the guys who reckon only daddy's boy can drive nice cars. If u see a P-plater(green) driving a mazda RX-8 or a Evo 9, do u immediately assume their parents brought it for them ? to some that could be offensive as they might have worked hard for the car and are currently paying off the loan or paid it off outrite. personally i wouldnt take it too well if some random at the petrol station yelled out, fark u daddy's boy, get a job and stop relyin on daddy, without knowing my situation and how i brought the car. oh well, stereotyping gets the best of us, nothing we can do. also, jealousy leads to vandalism, don't believe me ? my mum's brand new BMW 525i was key 2 days after purchase.
  14. lol the 2nd pic looks very "Gran Turismo". other than that, the car looks beautiful. i love it.
  15. yeh i reckon eh; its like $350 just to paint the front bar. best to paint it yourself with the aircompressor spray, haha. works. ohh, does any1 know where to purchase the final glossy coating ?
  16. what is the full-licence test lilke ? is it another computer simulation thingy ? if so blah, that was annoyin. the resolution made me squint to see hazards. <_<
  17. lmao, was this an actual commercial ?
  18. northshore prestige is highly recommended, top blokes. i've called up Ben before, he was very willing to help me out and answered all the questions i had. checkout the cars on their site and u'll know what i mean. good luck.
  19. i heard they like to leak oil, but its nothing major.
  20. lol what exactly happened there ?
  21. have a 3some and bang 2 chicks sidewayz .
  22. geelong, lmao. full of weirdos and oldish looking houses(no offence to any1 that lives there). why would any1 wanna live there anywayz ? u can always fly to america and go to burkisville(sp?). im sure u all know what im on about. :lol: how about that place in darwin called humpfreedo (sp?)
  23. hey, if i transfer personalised plates between family members do i cop the 100annual fee ? i've done a transfer once this yr, but i've yet to receive an invoice asking for 100 dollars and RTA didnt mention anything about it. hrmmm, im gonna do another transfer next yr and hopefully i dont need to pay anything. can any1 confirm this ?
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