i have to agree with the "do your parents know what a skyline is". most non car enthusiast (ie parents) wouldnt have a clue about the car or the engine. they would probably assume its a V6 camry with a nicer body. if they knew the car can rip to 100km+ in under 5sec they would probably reconsider.
oh, i have a question for the guys who reckon only daddy's boy can drive nice cars.
If u see a P-plater(green) driving a mazda RX-8 or a Evo 9, do u immediately assume their parents brought it for them ? to some that could be offensive as they might have worked hard for the car and are currently paying off the loan or paid it off outrite. personally i wouldnt take it too well if some random at the petrol station yelled out, fark u daddy's boy, get a job and stop relyin on daddy, without knowing my situation and how i brought the car.
oh well, stereotyping gets the best of us, nothing we can do. also, jealousy leads to vandalism, don't believe me ? my mum's brand new BMW 525i was key 2 days after purchase.