because nengun $2500 isn't the kit, it is just the TURBO
The HKS KIT is like $3000 BRAND NEW, then ADD TAXS, Shipping Fee plus Just-jap profit and you see why its selling for that price.
nengun isnt a shop, its some person who setup a website, does not hold any stock therefore you can understand why the price is alot cheaper than buying local (a shop front has an outlay they need stock)
ALSO just because some people dont pay TAX doesnt mean you wont get done ALSO as beer baron said if you put down a value of 4000yen and they stop you and YOU CAN NOT PROVE YOU ONLY PAY 4000YEN you are in DEEP SHIT!
also if you dont like just-jap prices then dont buy it. im sick of people saying i can get it cheaper from here. no one wants to know, just buy it and be happy!
Cheers Michael
ps its a great turbo