hey Charlie,
I did Chem, Physics, Econs, English, Intro Calc and Gnt in yr11 and
Physics, Econs, English, Disc Maths, Applica Maths.
All depends what you want to do after you finish year 12, i think its best to keep your options opens.
Physics i didnt find that hard
Econs Was pretty piss easy
English, meh i didnt like it
Chem, meh i never study so i got like 45% in yr11, so drop it in yr12 (just study and you will be fine, i didnt so failed)
Intro Calcu, yeah wasnt too bad, just do your homework and you should be right
Remember enjoy yr11 and 12, they are some of the best years of your life, once you out of highschool, the world becomes all different
Cheers Michael