or else theres a little screw that makes your idel go up and down on your throttle body, i think its your TPS screw, im not too sure, i adjusted mine, it idles at 800 now. (when warm)
Ring 1900 966 386 should the council provide a racing venue on the gold coast for hoons.
this numbers in the paper, their doing a poll, in the monday bulletin.
ring it and support us.
poll closes on wensday i guess.
i have allready run 3 times.
and maybe we will ahve a local track one day.
i jsut got a intercooler. EVO 7 type
600 X 300 X 70. with end tanks, seccond hand.
going to install it soon, jsut have to buy some pipes and clamps ect.
and pay a few fines.
lost my licence this weekend also.