i seriously doubt that your not gonna push the car when u get it. most ppl speed when they get their P's and add a turbo to that and u have a dangerous driver. i said the same thing when i got my car and i have 0 demerit points left after 2 months of owning my car. and i dont consider myself as a speed freak. skylines just give ya the feelin to speed.
just my 2cents
bah nows i gotta wait for night time again hehe. well i could park it in my garage, where its nice and dark, and take a pic there but i cant get it down my driveway oh well ill get a pic and show ya when i get around to it
yay my first thread...
anyways, i got my skyline bout 3 months ago and the skyline word printed on the back illuminates when i switch on the lights. make sense? well i was just wondering if anyone elses skyline does that.
btw it was all stock when i got it as far as i can tell
later all