Intended Audience: R33 GTST users and maybe R32 GTST
Technical Level: Medium
Duration: 30mins - 2hrs
Effort: Easy
Follow this guide at your own risk. You have been warned. We are not responsible for any actions you take. The instructions contained herein are only a guide and should be done with caution, If you doubt see your local mechanic. If you are unsure or are not confident don't do it.
This is a guide to remove an alterntor off a R33 GTST. Not sure if it's the same for r32 gtst or not. But I know for the GTR's you'll need to remove the plenum.
Step 1
Take battery off the car
Step 2
Take intercooler piping off. (Assuming it's a aftermarket one which is in the way of the alternator.
See pic (alternator circled in yellow) (This is taken from the drivers side view of the engine bay)
Remember once intercooler pipes are off to block them with some cloth or something to stop things flying into them.
Pic of the alternator from front of car looking down after intercooler pipes are taken off:
Step 3
Unplug the wires/plugs at the rear of the alternator:
1. This is the plug for the steering
2. Plug for ground
3. Use a 12 socket to remove the bolt off this to get it off. It is the wire that connects to the + of the battery.
There are also two more bolts at the back of the alternator. These are two smaller ones. The larger circle is easier to get to, however there is one on the otherside, opposite side. This you'll have to somehow put a spanner in there and get it out. or you can tilt the alternator to the side once you have taken it off the bracket.
Step 4
Undo the (1) bolt, but dont unscrew it all the way.
Undo the (2) bolt, but dont unscrew it all the way.
Step 5
Undo the bottom bolt slightly. Not all the way yet. Just enough so that the alternator can be pushed up so that the belt can be removed.
Use a 14mm socket for this. You might need to jack up the car for leverage, as it's easier to undo it from the bottom.
Step 6
Now you can undo the bolt (1) in Step 4.
When it is undone you can easily push the alternator up so that the alternator belt can be easily slipped off.
You can now remove the bolt (2) in Step 4 all off.
Step 7
Push the alternator down slight so it reveals the huge screw and washer thingy.
Basically you can remove the bolt shown in Step 5 now. When you remove it it is very long. Just pull it out.
To remove the alternator it self you'll need to remove the huge thick copper sleeve thingy, first. Then wedge it out. It is like a C clamp style clamping and mechanism.
Step 8
Dont forget the smaller bolts in Step 3 picture 2. They need to be removed as well. Since the alternator has more room, you can slide a spanner in there to get the rear ones easier.
Step 9
And there we have it, alternator is on the ground.
It's easier to take the alternator out by the bottom.
There done easy!
Took me ~2hrs the first time with lunch etc..
But 2nd time around it took me 30mins (Yea had two alternators die I think)