But who wants to carry a $500+ PDA around?
It can hold 60,000 points.
It has three modes: Walk, Run and Drive.
Walk records points every 30sec, Run is something, and Drive is every 5seconds.
So do the maths with the "drive" mode, you can store approx 83hrs of data for Drive mode and more for the other modes.
As for reception it was pretty good. But when it loses reception the device creates a new file. Last nite the device made 24 different files as I went all around Sydney. However you can attatch a external antenna to the device to boost the signal, as It was just placed on the center console when I had it running.
With the files, you load them into google earth and you can link them all together.
It also uses two AA batteries supplied with the device, you can also charge it via the USB.
Also good to see where the gf or friend has taken your car etc.. lol