To start with I want to say that this is not against ANY of the modertators on this website, it is something that happened in a different website which a was banned for, but the information here may help people.
One day I decided to increase my post count by spamming never seen or read sections of said forums, which was very stupid of my part I have to agree.
The day after I got caught and my account on such website was suspended and I got a warning, fair enough, I got what I deserved.
I got my account back later and to my surprise more than 3 weeks after the incident one of the mods, (who incidentaly is a member of this forums too) found out about the spamming tha happened that day, and proceded to suspend my account AGAIN for the same offence, I dont know about you but that seems a bit unfair.
So I approached him by means of PM and explained my situation(no swearing involved of any sort) and asked to please rectify his obvious mistake, to which he took offence and decided he would just banned completely my account until 2008, now I cant even visit the site as a Guest.
Sorry for the long post, but Im fuming here, because it is so unfair.
If anyone has any comments please feel free to leave them here.
Oh BTW the name of the guy is RB4Door. you are a legend mate. feel good now?