I have the Hi tech system, and its nice and quite compared to the cannon I had before, however, i feel it doesn't breath as good as the cannon, nothing too dramatic but still noticeable, (it may all be in my head though) I'm actually thinking in changing it back to a cannon again, we'll see.
Yeah you have a point there, When I was replacing the clutch the guys that make them here in Adelaide told me that a clutch with pucks will do better than a full face (performance wise), the full face will be more friendly for day to day driving.
So interested to see who is right here, cause I got a 5 puck one.
Not quite true there my man! well at least not here in SA, I had some seriously dark tint in the quarter panels and the back, and no tint at all in passanger and driver windows and I was told I had to take them out, so...hope its different over there.
I think I go for the HU upgrade then, and get myself some 6" speakers for the front, and that's it, at least it would be better than it is now.
Thanks for that mate!
So, if I buy a new head unit I wouldn't have to buy any kind of converter to Aus Specs or anything like that? just plug and play right ? Just checking, I have no idea
The sound in the car at the moment is CRAP, it sounds bad, like if the speakers were blown or something, so yes I'll be looking at replacing at least the speakers.
Guys, I have a recently imported r33, and its got the original Japanese stereo, it doesn't tune any radio stations here in Australia of course,
I'm looking at changing it soon, but I want to know what's needed apart from the HU and speakers to get it all installed and working. I dont wanna get ripped off, when I go in to get it all done
I wanna know my stuff, or even better if I can buy those items separate and give them to the guy who is doing the installation.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks to pkblade after all,
Finally got my filter element today, at JMS, they got some in early this week and already have about 3 left, after speaking to the guy there it appears they are gonna keep them in stock regularly, but is not for sure, So if anyone was to get some, better hurry!
Funny guy this one. offered me "HKS" complete units from 70 to 120 dollars depending on the quality I want, :werd: Correct me if im wrong but aren't they all the same price and quality and about 200 - 250 for a complete unit?.
So I explained to him that I was just after the replacement to which he replied: no mate dont have the replacements in stock , but try KMart they sure have them... WTF!! :alcoholic
It takes 2 weeks to get the replacement made with the guys at magill, and I need it before that.
But yes it is a great deal and if i can't find it anywhere else, I'll have to go with them.
No luck with JMS, not in stock. By the way MXT Imports nice wing, where did you get that one from? Is that from the group buy here?
Anyway, Anyone else? There most be someone stocking these HKS Replacements in Adelaide!!
No I dont have the stock one. And i don't wanna pay for another full kit ,you know. if I cant find one soon im gonna have to order one in interstate or something.
Thanks for the reply mate,
Guys, where can I get replacements for HKS Pod Filters, seems noone stocks these anymore, I've tried D1Garage, Car Toys, VivaGarage, and others with no luck,
Any help appreciated, need this bad. Thanks.