Hi there,
OK, no.1 looks fouled, I can't see no.6 but no. 4 looks ok.
I see that you got the NGK BCP7E-11. In future get the BKR6E. The 6 means a hotter plug & better burn. These are also the ones I run in my car. The -11 means that at factory they were gaped at 1.1 so even if you got the BCP7E they would of been gaped at .8 & gaping them means a small bend.
If all was good & you have just recently installed these (100km ago) they should have looked exactly like 2,3.
It's up to you what you would like to do, but trying a new set of plugs is a good start & even if it's not that, well you'll have them just in case you foul any plugs (happens to Skyline alot) and they'll be there for your next service anyway.
Now your plugs are out, check all your coils for any cracks, examine closely.