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Everything posted by DivHunter

  1. I have the IS-4, KV-3 and KV with KV-2 turret sitting in a full garage ready for 7.3 now. I had the IS-7 as my first or second top tier tank way back.
  2. What I meant was MSY was fined over $200,000 by the ACCC which should put other 'manufacturer only' warranty shenanigans to rest.
  3. So much easier when you just say - MSY - $200,000 fine for not honoring warranty, how 'bout them new parts?
  4. Great game, same number of kills as my highest xp game I also finally had a tier 5 game in the KV the other day, only one mind you, but upped the KV reaper medal to...8 using the 107.
  5. I can't buy a tier 5 game in the KV. Picked up the E-50. Still chugging along in the ISU-152, M103, VK4502 Ausf A, Pershing etc
  6. You rang the police and when they asked if anyone was hurt and you said no they didn't give a shit, right? At least they checked the plate I guess.
  7. Did not play beta, I have ordered the collectors edition from Amazon.
  8. I have my GF playing but the teams we get in are SO bad it's rediculous. We have to kill 1/2 or more of the enemy ourselves or we lose. But then I go solo in the same tanks and clean up. Noticed most accutely in my Churchill. Bought a KV as I was getting one before 7.3 anyway and tried platooning up with my GFs Churchill. Quickly realisd why i sold it as soon as it was elite. Immediately in a tier 9 game, then tier 8 (won, 4 kills inc 2 Lowes using 107 not derp 152). Once the KV is split and no longer has the 107 or 152 it better get he match making the T14 and Churchill get or it will be raped all night long.
  9. Churchill is awesome fun, the new deadeye skill seems to have me racking and setting fire to tanks all over the place, which is handy with it's low damage. I am running GLD, spall and rammer on it. I have learned to hate the Tetrarch in my Hotchkiss these days, wish I had been playing when they were handed out, what a gun for tier 2! Pens everyting like it's butter. Still do quite well in the Hotchkiss though running camo, binocs and spall you can just massively out sigh range any of the other tanks. Top Gun / Scout combo on Malinovka is not uncommon. I have over 50 Top Gun on my Hotchkiss and about 19 scout. Not bad for a tank that does 20 at best.
  10. I am about 70k from the 704 but I don't play the ISU-152 very often as I either seem to get a Boelters or do the equivilent of spin around in circle and explode.
  11. The Russian TDs are a f**king horror show with the exception of maybe the SU-100 until you get the 704. They all have inaccurate guns and basically no armour. You should be able to make money in your tier 5s even with no premium. Try PzIV or T-34 with 57mm. The economy of the game is designed so you either buy premium or play a lot of mid tier battles to fund your tier 7+. Clan Wars is basically a bunch of clan battles over ownership of the various territories on the map. Landing zones are fought for tournament style with the winner fighting the current owner for the province. It's fun when you have about 30 people on with at least 15 of them being good and in tier 10 heavies / tier 8 arty. That way you can attack two provinces at once, most clans struggle to defend more than one at the same time. You did not get a 99000 xp win lol 9900 maybe. Only 1980xp, funnily enough about the same as I achieved in my Churchill this morning The Panther II is a good medium. The gun is silly accurate and does enough damage. Decent frontal armour too.
  12. Sucked in again, bought a month of premium. Suddenly start winning at a higher rate, it must be placebo but I swear I win more when I have premium (I don't use gold ammo). I was able to unlock and buy everything on the 4502 Ausf A with free XP without selling the Panther II which works out well because it still has 20k to go for the E50. Onward to the Ausf B and the Maus. Won't be all that long and I will be able to unlock and buy an E50.
  13. Sounds dirty
  14. I think I'll be selling my elite Ferdi, E75, Panther II and getting a VK 4502 (P) Ausf. A, then an E-50 when I have the credits again. Not sure if I will ever actually buy an E-100 (it's absolute garbage now) or a JagdTiger. IS-4 is shelved until the next patch, armour was f**ked in the last one. IS-7 I only really played in CW. M103 is OK and I'll get the T110 when I can but the American crews need a lot more training. TDs I am on the second last or last now apart from the new US line. So training crews in premiums I will be for some time. My Churchill has the IS-4 crew atm, third skill to something like ~40%. E-75 crew will go to the 4502 Ausf A, they're up to ~75% on the third skill. Other crews will hang around until they find a new home I guess. Probably scrap the arty crews, already sold all the arty a while ago, I really just don't like arty that much.
  15. My Lowe has a better win rate than my T-54
  16. Bought a Churchill for the lulz They are half price atm as well as the Matilda, Valentine, T14 and T-25
  17. 1 year anniversary will have an interesting amount of specials. I have just been playing a couple of games as day with a free account, Lowe and T34 help pay for everything. 5x experience on first victory, 15% off six-month and one-year Premium accounts, 50% off equipment, 50% off crew training and more!
  18. Yes, this, 1000 times this. I had it on 50 or so per page (whatever the highest before it was modded was), I can't stand having to change page constantly.
  19. http://theage.drive.com.au/motor-news/new-nissan-to-debut-on-track-20120404-1wbka.html Someone should probably tell Nissan you don't go into motorsport to make money. Also, what if they don't win a single race?
  20. For the prices you can get Shogun 2 for now, definitely worth it.
  21. Well, a bit Sandra Sully on this one but better late than never. http://www.autoblog.com/2012/03/05/turn-10-talks-forza-motorsport-4-porsche-dlc-with-autoblog/ The most interesting thing will be Porsche vs RUF. I have the season pass so I think I get this one for 'free' too.
  22. Well they did get around to fixing most things and I bought the new stand alone expansion. Haven't got to play yet but I am looking forward to getting back into it if I can find the time.
  23. I would buy a PS3 for that, Wacky Races was the shit.
  24. My favourite bit was where they said 'soon'
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