If anyone wants to run platoons or company battles and wants to get into Clan Wars in the future but doesn't quite have CW ready tanks or just want to get some experience in organised team play before jumping into CW. The Steel Parachutes - Pacific is now recruiting.
You'll have access to the TSP forums and teamspeak and will be playing with regular TSP members. If you want to get to know some of the TSP members first and have a few games you are most welcome to connect to TS, join the WoT channel and say hi.
Shoot me a PM here or on the WoT forums (same name) if you want any further info
The Marder is one of the best tanks in the game (for it's tier). Other good German tanks are the PzIV, VK3601, Tiger P, Tiger II, VK4502A, Ferdinand, all tier 9s, Maus. German arty isn't bad either.
Tier 2, second most played tank. Churchill (train IS-4/IS-7 crew while making credits) rapidly rising in number of games. Average tier of 6.5 over 7687 games.
Teamwork (used very loosely when refering to pubs) I find is more prevalent in the higher tiers but executed just as poorly as everything else at all tiers.
Depends on the controller.
Because you can, obviously. It's also cheaper and he has multiple other drives for backup capacity.
Please link to these 'people'.
If you're not bad@tanks and and have/are close to tier 10 or tier 8 arty, consider joining The Steel Parachutes.
If you are bad@tanks and would like to improve or still working on those end game tanks you can always join TSP-P.
US and Russian heavies are still good. There are some pretty bad tanks dispersed in those trees though.
Well it's free to play so you don't lose anything testing it out.
If one person in the entire world at least tolerates him Apple cannot be a trillion times more popular. Just saying.
No, see a windows system won't screw over a mail server just by having an IMAP account with spotlight enabled. Or force security flaws on a network so sales tossers can infinite-dutch-rudder each other over the latest iDevice.
Yes the transmission is at the front, I am yet to have a fire because I am not a supertard and know how to hide the lower glacis. The IS-8 is currently made of paper so that's not really a big thing.
The VK4502 is the king of reverse peek-a-boo with it's rear mounted turret. Sat there while an IS-4 pounded my track for no damage over and over while I penned his front for 500 damage over and over. He lost.
Absolutely shit morning though, could not buy a win no matter what I did or how many I killed.