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About michadoo

  • Birthday 22/01/1987

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  • Car(s)
    Skyline R33 GTST

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  1. heya, some prick has pinched the 'S' badge from the front grille part off my R34. Does anyone have one i could buy please!!! Cheers!
  2. still looking for the mats!
  3. Tryin to chase up some genuine floor mats for a series two r33. If anyone has any they wanna get rid of or point me in the right direction as to where i can get em would be great. Thanks!
  4. yea the old boy wasnt able to help me out with actually gettin an apprenticeship to start with cause he been outa the industry for 10 years so him helpin me in the performance world is no good. Breakmaster: thanks heaps i will give em a try! everyone i keep calling just gives me the same old either "sorry not hiring any 2nd years" or "i will get someone to call you back" and obviously no one calls me so i think im gunna have to start just showing up to peoples doors and not leavin until they pretty much make me!! haha
  5. thanks for all the input guys...really appreciate it. yea i was thinkin of takin some holidays and just driving round a bunch of places and try hit them up. i dont think the boyz need to clean up there behaviour just cause im a chick... the boys at work do and say some filthy things but that just makes work more fun and enjoyable..plus its especially funny when they say somethin to shock me and i just go back at them with somethin worse i defenatly dont think that anythin should change in a workshop to accomodate for a female...if i dont like it then i dont have to be there. the problem i have had with cold calling so far as i usually just get the "not looking to employ anyone" before i have the chance to actually have a chat. i would just do anythin to get out of working for a VW dealership and get into a private workshop, if i was going to work for a dealership and deal with the dickhead service advisors i would wanna do it for a car that im actually interested in ie: nissan so will probably hit them up. thanks again guys!! keep the help comin!!! mich x
  6. hahaha gooba.... welcome mate lol oh and junglboi - nice ride!!! got very similar rims on my 33... look hot
  7. i know its gunna be hard n its a bitch of an industry but at the end of the day my lifestyle is based around my work so i may as well enjoy what im doing to fund my lifestyle. everyone i know, including my old man who was a panel beater for 45 years thinks im crazy for giving up my nice clean, very well paying job in IT to be a grease monkey thinks im crazy. i get paid shit wages, technically i am a mature aged apprentice but i am getting paid junior wages just so i could actually get a job as an apprentice as pretty much no one would touch me since i am a chick. I work two extra jobs on the weekend just to have enough money to live on....despite all of this i really really enjoy my job now a hell of a lot more then i did earning good money in a clean job. i understand if i was lucky enough to score a job in a performance shop they aint going to let me run loose on all the cars that come in, but being in that environment where i am going to be able to watch and learn what i am actually interested in not just changin oil and pads is going to be more valuable in the long run. i think my dedication to giving up the lifestyle i knew, and giving up any free time i have to slowly persue a career not many people think i can actually survive in shows that i would do what ever it takes to cut it in this industry...and hopefully in a performance shop. I just hope that through all my efforts someone can see through the gender barrier - which is what i feel im having more trouble with then anything, and just give me a chance. hence why i am more then willing to do a week or two work experience unpaid.... as sad as it sounds...thats what i want, n despite the shit conditions and the shit pay i will stick it out, if only someone will just give me a try
  8. thanks for the responses guys im willing to work anywhere.... I live on the central coast and already travel down to artarmon every day, but am willing to go all over sydney or newcastle. I just dont see the point doing my trade with a dealership who i have absolutly no interest in the cars whats so ever... and I would work so much better if i was working with cars I want to persue my career in. Im prepared to do free work experiance if it will assist me getting something
  9. Hey everyone, I'm currently doing an apprenticeship in a European car dealership and about to complete my first year. Obviously as a Skyline owner and import enthusiast, working for a European dealerships is really not that ideal for my general interest or my career progression and would very much like to get into somewhere that specialises with the beauty that is jap imports. I found it hard getting an apprenticeship in the start being not only 21 but also being female, and so when a position at the dealership was offered to me, i accepted. I was hoping some of you might be able to help me out with getting a little closer to my career goals and let me know of any workshops that are or may be looking to put someone on in the new year. I am more then happy to do work experience to prove I got what it takes to cut it. any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks! Michelle.
  10. I have my green p's and can drive turbo's but i had my red's before the laws came in... I was thinking that as soon as these new laws came in I would be hassled a hell of a lot more by the cops cause of me driving a skyline with p's...but quiet the opposite... I have probably been pulled over 2 in the 12 months... none of which questiond me about the restriction... prior to the new laws i swear i used to get pulled over every weekend just for rbt n to check the car...
  11. Just wondering if any Coasties happend to have been in gosford last night around 6 - 6.30 and see someone smash into a white R33 GTST -plates RB-25-MD and drive off?? Well thats the story i was given anyways... lent my bf my car and he picked up up with the front bar all smashed... said he had it reveresed parked into one of those new park spots @ kibble park near woolies, and when he was inside the shop someone had lost it and hit it.. OR...did anyone happen to see this car run into someothing?? Would like to beleive his story... but considering how bent the reo bar is..the impact must have been pretty hard (im thinkin he lost it in the wet round a corner or something but doesnt wanna admit!) Anyways... just thought i would see if any of you spotters had spotted anything! thanks guys! Mich
  12. spotted yellow 33 @ lights in north sydney plates mintie or somethin
  13. Spotted a nice looking dark blue r32 gtr this morning @ north sydney... Plates "JSL" (i think)
  14. i used to work in macquarie park and yea parking in mac centre is dodgy as... i was parked there one day and came back to my car to find 3 guys hovering around my car... being a chick i didnt really feel it would be smart to approach them.. by the time i went and found security to walk me back to my car they were gone.... well i thought they were anyways. They were sitting in a white corrolla a few cars away and i only noticed when i pulled out that it was them... I done a few circles around epping road and waterloo road until i felt i had lost em... never drove to mac centre after that.. always just left the line at work and walked down.. sketchy motha f*kas go get a job and get your own decent car
  15. have you done a trial fit to the car with the bar? does it all fit up properly
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