i know its gunna be hard n its a bitch of an industry but at the end of the day my lifestyle is based around my work so i may as well enjoy what im doing to fund my lifestyle.
everyone i know, including my old man who was a panel beater for 45 years thinks im crazy for giving up my nice clean, very well paying job in IT to be a grease monkey thinks im crazy.
i get paid shit wages, technically i am a mature aged apprentice but i am getting paid junior wages just so i could actually get a job as an apprentice as pretty much no one would touch me since i am a chick. I work two extra jobs on the weekend just to have enough money to live on....despite all of this i really really enjoy my job now a hell of a lot more then i did earning good money in a clean job.
i understand if i was lucky enough to score a job in a performance shop they aint going to let me run loose on all the cars that come in, but being in that environment where i am going to be able to watch and learn what i am actually interested in not just changin oil and pads is going to be more valuable in the long run.
i think my dedication to giving up the lifestyle i knew, and giving up any free time i have to slowly persue a career not many people think i can actually survive in shows that i would do what ever it takes to cut it in this industry...and hopefully in a performance shop.
I just hope that through all my efforts someone can see through the gender barrier - which is what i feel im having more trouble with then anything, and just give me a chance. hence why i am more then willing to do a week or two work experience unpaid....
as sad as it sounds...thats what i want, n despite the shit conditions and the shit pay i will stick it out, if only someone will just give me a try