I believe my R33 GTS25T(1993) Alternator is gone(or going out strongly), my battery voltage lies @ 11.0V give or take normally, with car running, if I unplug the positive terminal the car barely runs on alternator power only(yes, this isnt a great test, but it helped)... I get a reading of approx 9.6V, my belief is that the alternator is definately dying or something inside it has died. BTW, Voltage does NOT increase to 13.5V with high revs either!!! So, my questions:
1) Is the voltage regulator for the ALT inside the ALT itself or external? If so, where?
2) How to remove the ALT easily & therefore reinstall?
3) Can anybody who's nice enough do a test to see what kind of w/o battery voltage you score on your R33?(Start car, unplug +ve & test..)
3 very optional, pain in ass, but 1st 2 questions pls help?