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Everything posted by Bekkyboop

  1. Well if my weekend couldnt have gotten any worse - it just did... I cant believe i didnt make it to it... *crys* very sad day. Glad everyone else had fun Cars look awesome
  2. I have been reading speed since it started, and agreed that it is the best magazine out. Its really sad to hear that it might be finished up. I got letter of the month a couple of ed.s ago. Good guys there - very nice. It is sad to hear that. den_iel - Ill go back to the ex's and grab all the stock pile of car mags and see what i can find, but if speed has truely finished i mightnt want to give up the priceless gems Ill let you know if and when i get them, k?
  3. PFFFT - i am female and i drive manual... wouldnt have it another way... Love my car, mmmmmm lots and lots of fun...
  4. Yeah there isnt anything wrong with chicks liking skylines (as i am one)... But that hyiena statement seems to becoming more and more true.
  5. I was just looking through what categories there are for the show and shine... was wondering if there was much point on bringing my 78 skyline from tamworth for it... she is a classic... And if so when is the cut off for entry?
  6. BUT MINE IS OLD i dont leave it for rediculous times.. .but when it is really cold i do give it alittle bit of a chance.. come on my engine is 27 years old....
  7. noice... slightly minimalist ... heheheheh - yes slightly indeed:D
  8. yeah i would think so... I was blessed with a long down hill st at my old place, so i used to just cruise down the road and that gave her the warm up she needed... I just get frustrated at ppl that start up straight away and then drive like the car is at op temp.... My flat mate does that (poor old car)...
  9. Yeah im agreeing with the condition of the roads in sydney, living just off parra rd near parra, its insane.... thank god the only cars (a corolla and a sonata) i have to drive here dont matter if they get hurt.
  10. well my copper mate agrees with all of this... He said that they have to suspect there is something illegal (or something like that)... In my experience the cops around my old town werent too bad, and they only went to town on cars with the owners being idiots. So if you have nothing to hide, then dont worry... IF you do have something to hide, then its a completely different story. Ill try and find out from him if the police are classed as authorised inspectors too.
  11. YEah well if i have time i give mine a little bit of time... But otherwise yeah baby her until she is warm... But i spoil my girl - she is getting old - too scared that if i fang her when she is cold or treat her bad she'll die on me... But then again - when her heart dies i can get a new engine cant i???? hmmmmmmm *ponders thoughts of turbos in the sleeper...*
  12. love to help - ill pm you...
  13. Well here is my 2 cents... My flat mate is a ex copper - so here is his comments on the first few questions.. "Yes you have to pop your bonnet - they dont need a search warrrant if they have suspision" "Yes, bonnet pins are illegal" Well this could be a very interesting debate - ill get responces for any questions you might have for my friend... Cause its very interesting to hear from the other side. He is a nice copper, and his knowledge has come in handy for me lately
  14. Yeah i noticed that.... The only honda banned was the city turbo.... the suzuki cappucinno was banned too... HAHAHHAH - lil old 3 cyl turbo... power to weight mean nothing to these ppl? Or is it just that they are a turbo or v8? doesnt make sence cause if you have driven in the VTEC Hondas you'd know the power they have...
  15. I would love to meet some of you guys as i have just moved from tamworth to the city (near parra infact). Problem is that my skyline still lives in Tamworth... and if was to attend would have to drag my flat mate along to steal his car... but its not a skyline - its a gtx baleno... Other than that - we might come along... unless there is objections to a non-skyline attending...
  16. For me its something that me and my guy have in common... I love cars - although he gets annoyed at me when i ask questions saying 'im not a mechanic - how am i supposed to know' but how am i supposed to learn if i dont ask questions. I have always loved cars, and would love to know more... I love driving his car too - but as he gets too parinoid with anyone else driving it - id prefer to drive mine... My car is gunna soon be replaced by a 88 prelude too .. Dont worry Skyline will still be there - cant sell a classic
  17. No the over heating is unrelated Yeah i have a feeling that he was just making crap up to push me off - cause he wouldnt explain it when i asked (see the draw backs of being a girl - he said i wouldnt understand). there is talks of me getting a 88 prelude for my 21st in 2 weeks, so the skyline might go back to dad and these problems can be his again...
  18. I had my 1st year in auto only then it changed automatically with the p2 system (in NSW) but rumors have it that you have to go for the driving test again soon in a manual to have it changed. I Would have thought it hard to find a type r for that price and in good conditon - and yeah that dont come in auto. Preludes are a great car (had a gen 3 - 89 with 4ws) and should be pic up a gen 4 or 5 (not sure) in good nic for that price. Insurance for any of those would be a killer though. But if you get a good honda they are great to drive and pretty realiable - we couldnt kill ours (a bogan and a red light did).
  19. Yeah they have done that a few times now... It even started to get hot today and it isnt even cold... Silly thing. Oh well ill just get a new engine and new radiator to match - all problems sloved
  20. YAY GREEN SKYLINE - Bekky very happy - not the same awww..... no love for bekky
  21. Hey - Trying to get the attention to get some help! Tried searching for it but no hits so ill start this and hope that i can get some help. I desperatly need new door seals in my C210- I washed my car tonight and its getting so bad that my seats were drenched, my handbag was soaked too :boohoo: - water was spashed up the windscreen, back window, and all over the doors. Its insane... I have been told now that is encredably hard to get the seals and expensive. My aunt (who owned the car before me) said last time she had to get them made. Does anyone have an advice - because its getting really annoying. The back window is not staying up at the back as well - but thats another problem all together...
  22. thx Greg - I havent really done much research into it yet. The engine that is in it at the moment is still in pretty good nick - she still performs quite well. I only really want it to be EFI so the 280zx might be a good option. I really want to get the suspention fixed at the moment as it really needs it. But for the moment i dont think much will go on with it. Thx for all your help
  23. lol - yeah i do take care of her, and no i dont do too many 'peelies' in her. I get driven around by my mates... We have a 96 TE magna that we drive around mostly... So Kermie (my car) gets left at home. Thanks all for the great comments, i didnt think many more ppl would have the love for her that i do
  24. Car just came back from the service. The mechanic said that the 'fuel problem' was actually a kinked coil lead. But didnt fix it, waiting for approval from the paying party... (i dont pay for the car - or its services) Is this bad... ? And why did it happen.
  25. Yeah i thought about that... I am wanting to update it with a injected unleaded motor - but yeah i might just wait till she needs fixing... yes i do peelies in it from time to time... hmmmm somebody knows tamworth....
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