Got a story about the police too...
The other night driving from a friends house through a not so reputable area round my hood (lol hood ...(",) ) on the way home to my place. A gold falcon (unmarked) proceeded to tailgate me through several corners and up several streets. After cracking the shits i stomped on the brakes to slow them down and give them a fright, and then gassed it up the street abit @ which point the christmas lights came on ...
Then get this the bastard gets me out of my car, pats me down, asks me why someone like me is driving this car, at this time in a place like this ...
At this point i gave him my story, telling him i own the car and i was going home from a friends house. I asked then what he was doing provoking me by tail gating me ... He says we though that the vehicle you where driving sir was stolen and if you drive a car like this around here be prepared to get this treatment often.
Then just to top it off he keeps me there to search the car because he is not convinced of my story and thinks im like trafficing drugs or something...
When he was finished he looked pretty pissed and he issued me a warning ... I told him 'You cant just do this to people you know' he replied 'i can do whatever i want im a cop!!'