its snot all to do with how powerful a car is, it has to do with how quick it is....from a stand still the one with better response tends to make it quicker somewhere....but thats my opinion.
i'll spank you all...!!!!
how many asian police people have you seen before???
no offence intended to asians i am sure they make good police persons...but i havent seen any in australia yet.
Fark that no where to park yah yob.....sif id go just dont want to walk far.
what about The Fox??
i think thats easy to get too....or the Chalk...where is the broadway place?
sickness!!!!! i got to get me one of those.
really!! doesnt make me sleepy unfortunately.
or all at once....ay ay ayy ay nudge nudge.....or just the ice cream girl ay shaney.
G'DAY Trey....whats up!!
oh that one at Stamford mark...yeah thats pretty good ay was there earlier in the year.
i havent looked at getting contacts yet...may do...but other stuff to do first.
might play....though i like shooting people and gettin shot....i spend most of the time running around aimlessly cause i cant see anything cause my glasses fog up.
so i prob wont play....i'll come along just not play.