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Everything posted by Oblivion

  1. sure i can find one or two in the bush somewhere
  2. yeah bud, i am not expecting everyone to help specially you. you can crash and sink piss get things given to you far as i am concerned. play pool, what tv....etc etc etc.
  3. you back up north joshwa?
  4. you coming on sunday big man?
  5. that would sound farking awesome!!!!
  7. still didnt change?? farken
  8. hey it didnt change wtf??
  9. better?
  10. i dont think it will somehow..... ill see what kind of reaction from 1 first.
  12. Is that guy coming tomorrow?? and has shane spoken to you about getting a lift??
  13. dont make it a thread mark you woman, then all the old people come...fark. JK
  14. no i already said i dont have no xbox...me mates bringing his with 2 controllers. it'll have to be 4 person battles.
  15. can i get mine changed to SAU plates?
  16. dont have no crd card.
  17. yeah i know that what makes you think it is going to take all day???!?!?!? why does anyone think that.....man this is all about the piss up and bathurst really...and a bit of mech work...and then xbox later on...you better be bringin it yah girly man.
  18. CORRECTOMUNDO!!!!! yeah Anna's better be bring them cupcakes.... and stop talkin about it on here....dont want the wrong people coming..
  19. no no no. i have them to but not SAU ones....different design.
  20. i believe it is to do with the design...it dont fit in US i think. if you scratch my car i will scratch your arse. i think she just feels sorry for you.
  21. they were just jealous man
  22. probably a mod...
  23. click on the number next to trader rating and then click add comment on left hand side...... sickness!!!!
  24. bahaha ok Hi there!!! welcome to the other site. i wont tell. i swear.
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