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Everything posted by jasevr4

  1. The caster bushes? They make the car track nice and straight too don't they?
  2. Yeah one of the joiner things cut the wire through. All sorted now.
  3. Red S2 C34 on Hampstead Rd in SA today. Gave ya a wave!
  4. I'm thinking my wiring is shithouse...
  5. I mean, having to wait for one or two sets of lights. Blows my commute out from 40 mins to 50 mins. Total bollocks.
  6. Pure weirdness then. I'm sure it's 1805 but I would have revved it higher than 2100 RPM this morning. I know I was tired this morning but surely not that much!
  7. Funny thing is that I haven't noticed a drop in power, although I wasn't giving it much this morning. Better take it for a drive at lunch and see what's up.
  8. That is hotness. Meanwhile, this is the nicest time to year to drive to work. Everyone else sleeping, and I just cruise in with every green light. Love it!
  9. I'm getting DTC 1805. In theory once you flick the switch and press the brake does it go away? Or do you need to clear the code?
  10. Won't work without modifications. Major modifications. There's some guides online for the early model G35 owners trying to fit them and to be honest it looks like a pain in the ass. That said, the Works Bell kit doesn't look factory enough for me. Here's one of many threads to read: http://g35driver.com/forums/general-tech-questions/380436-help-adding-oem-paddle-shifter-g35-coupe.html
  11. So for reference's sake, the Informeter is saying that my max coolant temperature is 98 degrees in my car. That is with a Koyo full alloy radiator to suit a V35. I'm pretty sure that before I cleared it, Dunc's max temp was 103 degrees celcius. Not sure if it helps anyone but just thought I'd add it anyway. Now to figure out how to get my air cond thermo fan to start working.
  12. I used to hate the back of M35's, then I spent a year in a ski resort and got hooked on new Volvo V70's. I'm hooked on the M35 look now - just needs some low and big wheels.
  13. I've done it now and would recommend it. Not because it's the most amazing thing ever, but it does make a difference. Especially in the wet.
  14. Awesome! Looks too easy to pull out!
  15. Awesome, thanks Iain, really appreciate it.
  16. Nah no TV tuner. Right down the bottom I have the muffler butterfly system though. Do you need to take the long plastic "bar" out that sits under the rear window?
  17. Anyone pulled out passenger side "cargo area" interior panel? I'm keen to do some measuring and see if it's big enough for a sub enclosure but it seems like a big job..
  18. Blitz SBC iColor Boost Controller (Black) Used, but fully functional when it was used last (about a week ago). Does way more than control boost but it does that very well. These are selling on eBay/Just Jap for $1099 new. $650 posted Blitz DTT DC Turbo Timer and Boost Gauge (Black) Used, but fully functional when it was used last (about a week ago). "The boost display can read up to 2.5hkpa (36.75psi) and also includes a digital boost peak hold." $100 posted Contact via PM I can grab a pic if someone wants to see one.
  19. So blocking the hole is no worries for the turbo? Mine farts like a champ.
  20. Sorry gents but I am a no go until the new year. Waaay too much shit going on. Have fun though!
  21. A 10" +25 or 10.5" and equally aggressive offset is going to be pretty mental. It'll require some rolling of your guards and plenty of camber. Fitted it will look sick but you will likely chew out your tyres and be cop bait. I don't think I'd go any more aggressive than mine personally.
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