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Everything posted by jasevr4

  1. Awesome, thanks Iain!
  2. Simple unplug and plug back in though? Don't need to recode anything?
  3. Hmmm turns out I didn't fix the problem. If the BCM was stuffed, would it permanently not work? Or be intermittent? Intermittent seems like a cable contact issue don't you think? Are the BCM's easy to swap in and out? Is it just a matter of unplugging it, putting the new one in and plugging that in? If I can borrow another one just to test it would certainly make troubleshooting a lot easier.
  4. Yeah there's no chance I'm going to be free before now and Christmas. New job this week, training, Christmas festivities and bloody shopping, and a surprise visit from some relatives from overseas. Enjoy though! May I suggest Tregarthen Rd again?
  5. I'll figure it out, just gotta spend the time..
  6. Pass lol, they'd need rails that I sold to Scotty..
  7. Borrowed Dunc's Informeter. Told him "I won't reset it", and I reset it. Now everything is in Japanese and displays nothing.
  8. Ah ha! Found this document (not sure if it's really that relevant), but it at least pointed me in the right direction.. http://www.psedog.com/cars/fsm/g35/coupe/2003/bcs.pdf Went searching and found that there's a pink and.. yellow? cable down there that had some electrical tape around it. Seemed a bit suss, so I took the tape off and sure enough the solder had come undone. I suspect that when my alarm was installed the installer cut this wire by accident and soldered it up but while I've been under there it's come loose. Anyway it's all fixed up and working now so I'm stoked!
  9. Actually, thinking in the same mindset of Ryan's situation (cable slowly being "pulled" or broken, which makes sense in my situation), is there a cable from the ECU that would stop the indicators working for just one side of the car? I did do the wire snip mod on the same day as the indicators started becoming intermittent.
  10. I'm not finding much. Mine doesn't have the mirror indicators so I may be barking up the wrong tree.
  11. I'm up to my ears in javascript right now. Dammit.
  12. What parts are on it? I'd probably be keen on a few things if the SA boys wanted to go halves or something.
  13. I'll definitely be looking at this tonight as that is where my reverse camera control unit was that I fixed about a week ago (when this problem started), so it kind of makes sense that it's a related problem. Thanks!
  14. Anyone know if there is a relay for each side of the M35's indicators?
  15. Good to have you there Tim! You'll love your Stagea I'm sure.
  16. Cheers Jase - great to put a face to the name. Reckon you might take the loudest Stagea in SA trophy! Small group but great to meet some people and check out some cars too. Oh, and I take back what I said about my tyres not rubbing, turns out they didn't like Deviation Road.. Just need more clicks on the BC's next time!
  17. Sounds good mate!
  18. Ok so the full story is that it was dying a slow death. I'd indicate and three click in I'd get two fast ones, then three good ones again. I figured that was the sign for "replace the globe", since it was on the rear left that wasn't working. So I did, but it didn't change anything, and now a few days later, it just clicks fast all the time and I have no indicators on the left hand side.
  19. So if my indicators aren't working on one side of my car only, any ideas? Other side of the car works fine. Left hand side, it ticks/dash light flashes really fast. Relay or fuse?
  20. I know the last meet point was out Mile End way, I figure this is central for both North and South people again, but yep apologies if this doesn't quite work out for everyone - like you said, can't please everybody. We'll wait around and have a chat for a half hour or so I imagine if you're running a bit behind.
  21. Turns out the wire cut mod makes a difference in the wet.
  22. Well I'm going for a drive this Sunday around midday. PMs sent out - if you're keen and didn't receive one either post up here or PM me. Won't be a long one since it seems a lot of us have too much shit on this time of year.
  23. By "go for a punt" I mean accidentally do a few km's over the speed limit and get booked a few hundred dollars for speeding and "street racing". Drive in the hills? Stare at your speedo, not where you're going.
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