Hey guys,
My stagea used to "auto shut" rear gate even if I didn't slam the rear gate in properly. Now this feature doesn't work anymore. Is there any tips on where i should look?
I think i might had the answer but could someone confirm,
there is a cone seat for the lower ball joint, code: 40173AL500
The aftermarket kit from Ebay will not come with this.
Does anyone know the part number for M35 stagea front lower ball joint?
I've brought a set from here: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/250697175942?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_827wt_1163
put it in and there is lots of movement after the install. I've notice that the ball joint i've got is missing a "cap" that the original have on top of the rubber.
Any suggestion?
Hey Scott,
My Stagea currently only have left side reverse light at the back. Is it hard to convert the right for reverse light? Do you have the parts for it?
Should I try wheel bearing? I've recently change the right bearing when it's make heaps of noise and rough ride. They had jacked the car up and try to see if there is play and they said its okay.
So that means we have 1 in 4 chances of getting shaft in the right position or is there better way to identify the problem.
The workshop did the test to check for bearing issue and confirm the bearing is okay