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Everything posted by GTaaargh

  1. Hi all, I asked GARAGE SAURUS in Osaka a question, and the bloke who replied, Mr Hayashi, enclosed a photo of his GTR. It recently ran an 8.4 second pass. That seems a little quicker than anything on the SAU front page The photo is 2.3MB, so probably a little too big to post.
  2. Hi. My GTR had an HKS Mk IV Electronic Valve Controller, and the the servo motor is fitted flat - ie all hoses are on the same level. The installation instructions say ports 1, 2 and 3 must be on top, and port 4 on the bottom. They use the word 'must'. Q1: Any idea why it 'must' be vertical, and if there are any consequences to having it flat? Q2: Any idea what port 4 is for? Trivia point: The sticker on the back of the EVC says it is a MK VII, but there is no such thing on the HKS web site. The part number on the inside of the Japanese manual matches with the part number on the MK IV documentation. Thx.
  3. Thanks all. I'll try to get to them and see if adjusting them will help. Hopefully that is all that is causing this sodding surge problem. Otherwise I probably have an expensive time ahead.
  4. Mine are not standard. I believe they have been modified for better flow. It happens with the boost controller turned off (ie 11 lbs) or with it on (13 lbs or 16lbs). Do a search on 'compressor surge' and you'll find a lot of discussion on the forums.
  5. Hi. I have a nasty intermittent compressor surge (where my turbos seem to be fighting each other) at around 3000 rpm. It's #!%* annoying as it interrupts that lovely power surge. I read that cleaning/adjusting the BOVs might help. It probably wouldn't hurt, anyway. Where are the BOVs likely to be in a R32 GTR engine bay, and how would I recognise them? Thanks, James
  6. To answer my own question: terminals 49 and 59 both seem to have an output of 12V from the ECU. Why? Because the disconnected wire coming out of 49 has 12V on it. I guess both would be the same because the description is the same. They are joined later on in the wiring loom, so they seem to share their power to devices. My guess is that the ECU provided regulated power, and there are 2 leads in case the draw on one is too high. They appear to power the injector pulse width correction, the air flow meters etc. Not good things to have disconnected
  7. It drives me crazy trying to find information quickly on SAU. Might I suggest that once an answer is found, initiators of a thread make up a single FAQ file with all the bits of the answer in it, then post it in a separate area for 'completed answers'? I enjoy reading the banter, but when I'm trying to find a quick answer, it's a pain. Also, how about a separate section for manuals, specs etc for those lucky people who get a car or product in from Japan, and the manuals are only in Japanese? I have this problem with a Sard Attack Meter. Other than those two issues - oh, and the POST errors when I try to sign in, it's a really great site inhabited by interesting and technically savvy people.
  8. The two John's at Trojan did a good job on the GTR today. They fixed the bits I asked to be fixed, and told me how much it was likely to cost for problems they found. There was nothing done that I didn't ask for, or that I didn't expect. They also spent a fair bit of time explaining things to me, which I appreciated. I'd use them again.
  9. Hi. I looked at the ECU of my 1989 r32 GTR over the weekend and noticed that a bullet connector was not connected. It breaks the connection out of terminal number 49, a 'control unit power supply'. I notice that a gauge draws its power from terminal number 59 which has the same description on the diagram. Maybe they tried to connect the gauge to pin 49 and cut the wire by mistake, fixing it by putting in a pair of bullet connectors.. Who knows..... Anyway, does anyone know what is driven by terminal number 49? It doesn't seem to have affected the drivability. Another question: Is it normal to power gauges etc from wiring going into the ECU? Surely it could affect the signal quality, or the amount of power available. Why aren't spare wires in the dash used, such as sharing the cigarette lighter connection? Thanks.
  10. Has anyone dealt with Trojan in Mitchell? A bloke at work had problems tracking down an intermittent issue, and Trojan were the only ones to figure it out. He had been to a couple of reputable shope prior to that. I'm dropping my car in on Tuesday so they can check out some odd noises and my 'flat spot', but I'd like to hear if anyone else has used them, and whether they are sharks. The bloke who runs the shop seems to know his stuff, at least to my uneducated ears.
  11. Hi. I've just received my 'new' GTR and it has a Sard Attack Meter. Unfortunately the instruction manual is in Japanese. Does anyone have an English version? Thanks James
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