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Everything posted by WHITE R32

  1. WHITE R32

    Skidpan Day

    should be a nice cruise afterwards....... i cant wait to get a date.....
  2. these are the tyres i bought new for my old n/a v6 vs calais and they arked up like mad on that so on a gts-t etc they are a lot of fun i now use them for skids/drags/drifting.....thats all they are good for.......no traction at all......
  3. i have a black face boost guage to 20psi......100 bucks with chrome cup.....near new......
  4. WHITE R32

    Skidpan Day

    any updates on a date yet slip cause i am straight in for it dude.......please pm me when u have a date........thanks mate.....
  5. yeah needs to come down a bit just waitin till i get my new wheels...... its not really "that" high......but lower would be nicer....but i dont want an unpractical car either......
  6. i only have the large guage as seen above left..... the rest has been sold .........
  7. WHITE R32

    Skidpan Day

    slip i have a question for ya mate...... i have just realised that this may be the spot they used for one of the serious performance vids(the one that had the mazfix cars and the SR20 cars too)...... im guessing that we will not be allowed to race on another like on the vid????? is there like a little circuit track to do hot laps on???? any info that u can give me would be appretiated.....
  8. thanks guys......look forward to talking to you all later on also......
  9. here is a pic dude it is the one on the far left!!!!! has a chrome mounting cup with it aswell......
  10. i wanted a gtr could have gotton one but i wanted a gts-t first cause i thought it would be a bit more fun in the drifting and skid sense...... ill get a gtr next.........i went for the 32 cause there are way too many 33's here so i wanted something a bit different....
  11. well guys i have 2 boost guages ...... autometer 2 5/8 sport comp black face with chrome cup as new >>>$120<<<....... and also have autometer 2 1/16 inch sport comp black face aswell >>>$110<<< and i also have a microtech turbo timer for sale aswell>>>100<<<....... all stuff like brand new..... prefer pick up only.......located in toowoomba
  12. WHITE R32

    Skidpan Day

    does it seem that there will still be a position for me and my r32??? i would be very keen to do this ......have always wanted to try drift but not game cause i like my car STRAIGHT!!!!!!!
  13. hey guys my name is jon and im new here i have been on the performanceforums for the last year or longer .... i know a few of you here from those forums...... i recently bought myself a R32 gts-t and i just thought it would be good to join here and make myself known........ for any of you who may want to see my r32 here is a link to a few quick pics from when i first bought it....... http://www16.brinkster.com/304CID/pics.htm it may go over its limit so you may have to keep trying.......hope to talk to you all soon enough...... Jon
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