West Tce cemetary is haunted, and the british pub on Pirie st opposite the advertiser building is haunted as well.
Then there is the story of the spirit who passed thru my olds house, touching my shoulder, being seen (was a light shadowy shape) by me, my brother and the freaked-out cat........ now THAT was something else!! Spooked us out a little; happened just after my nana died, plus my sister claims to have seen her get out of G'pa's car a few days after her burial..... ???
And then there's the stories of the light orb that has been seen by me & my siblings at my parents place (property in the hills), and the horrible feeling that we've all had in the study room there - god we hate that room, Im telling you all there is something in there....... gets very cold all of a sudden, the door closes, and your hair stands at attention.... with a creepy feeling of 'get out'. That urge is real strong. Weird; never experienced that anywhere else.