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Everything posted by sindows

  1. I was actually after the one the flips back towards the unit and show just a black panel, Thanks anywayz.
  2. hey man im after the HKS immitation BOV, does it sound and work the same as the original? Also was it you who sold high flow cats? If not who was it, show me the thread. Cheers, SINDOWS
  3. Really interested. Would you tke $50 + ship to sydney? Also send me some pics to sindows (AT) sindows.net
  4. Very interested in the head decks... Just a few questions... Do they both have this flip mechnision where the flip back to revial nothing? And is one an equaliser and one a headdeck? More pics of these units to sindows (at) sindows.net cheers
  5. UPDATE: i pulled the dash out today, None of the wires in the plug going to the clock or the Climate control have been cut or pulled out. I am totally stumped. I left the clock out and now im trying to find someone whos r33 i can use to put my clock in and see if it does the same thing. Anyone in the western sydney/st clair/erskine park area wanna give me a hand? Cheers, SINDOWS
  6. This is all well and good and i think you are all on the money, today is going to be spent messing around with it. But one weird thing about the way the precious owner wired the headunit is, the 12V +, comes directly from the battery... i think that qualifys for "what the" because there is a power in the dash to be used. (well there was in my NA R33.)
  7. I have splits in my car, (r33) I put the crossover in the bottom left hand corner of the door. On both doors.
  8. Im not sure about the accessories, but i think your correct. I havnt taken the dash out to have a look, i just purchased the car from an SAU member 3 weeks ago. All i know is, no matter if the lights are on or off, or the dimmer is up or down, you still cant see it in the day, you can only just see it at night. It would have a small amount of power, you would think, thats how it remembers. I will check the wiring when i have some more time. I hope someone does. Cause its rather annoying, thanks for you imput.
  9. You are a legend mate. It works a treat, but when i was putting the safety pin in place (after i cut the sharp point of with plyers) i stabbed my finger with it, pissed out blood! I think i hit the bone cause it hurts like hell!!! Once again thanks heeps for the guide, but mabey put a warning for beware of idoits like myself getting stabbed by the pin Cheers
  10. I have three questions regarding a R33 Line. - Firstly, i owned a NA r33 and whenever i turned the car of completly, then back on 20mins later, the climate control would come back on to the same settings as it had when i turned the car off. (i.e. the fan was on two, the temp was on 22oC, the AC was on and it was going both feet and face. But when the car is turned off, for about 10mins or so, it would revert back to, not AC, 25oC and the fan is on one. It does it everytime.) I have an idea that its not getting power when the car is off, the climate control is not getting direct power from the battery. - Second question is the clock is giving the same symptons, it reverts back to 1:00, whenever the car is off for more than 20min as well as its is nearly impossible to view in the day time and only just viewable at night time. Has anyone had any simular experiences. (as per my last car, it worked fine day and night and never reverted back to 1:00.) - Third thing is last night when driving home, my HICAS light came on and just stayed yellow/orange until when i turned the car off. It hasnt done it today but i am kinda wanting to know what happened. If anyone has experienced any of these things, could i have your advice and/or what the outcome was. Cheers,
  11. Sorry, im a little n00b to auto electronics. I dont really understand what you mean by they are easily bypassed and what the external relay is/does. Could you also clairfy these things for me.
  12. I just want a 2 way alarm more than anything else. The remote start doesnt get me all that much. The reason i was thinking of getting the pageguard PG8000S is because of i dont have a turbo timer and i am going to get one soon, so i figured, instead of spending $130 - $230 on a turbo timer, why dont i just spend $300 on the page guard which has a turbo timer as well as a two way remote. I really like the idea of having a two way remote. As well as the pageguard 8000s and the 8500S (which is the model which takes pictures of within the car) having a really nice/sifisticated looking remote. Could you also explain, all the point of immobilisation. I herd there is like 6 points. Can you tell me what they are from one to six.
  13. I currently have a black widow alarm, Dont know the model as yet. I am interested in getting a turbotimer/remote start system for the car. But from what i have read, the ones im looking at, for the price, dont have immoblisers. I am wondering, am i able to have the remote start alarm, connected to my alarm, so i am able to use the immobliser? Also, i am wondering what the quality of the items below. They have some awsome features, but one guy on here "abo bob" said he wouldnt bother with them because they have everything BUT an immobiliser. Which is the one important factor of any car alarm, if you ask me and/or anyone else with a skyline/car over $15k. LOL here is the linkies. Give me your thoughts, Even better, if you own one, tell how well it does it job/how badly it does it/if it does it at all LOL. The main one i wanted was the PAGEGUARD PG-8000S. For what i have come to understand the PYLE brand of audio is like worse than BOSS. So im more inclinded to stear clear of it, just give me your thoughts. - PAGEGUARD PG8000S - PAGEGUARD PG6000S - Pyle PWD501 - FM 2 WAY 1.5KM (this one doesnt even have a brand name.) CARSCOP (another no name) - Last but not least - Viper 791XV Give me your thoughts peoples.
  14. Im wondering would you be willing to sell the FMIC and piping? I can give you the stock one as well? The suspension? i can also give you the stock ones. msn/email - sindows (at) sindows.net
  15. What about shipped to erskine park near penrith? Or is it not far for there... Did doodz come and pick it up? If yes i will ask him
  16. I will be wanting a R33 S1 GTST kit soon... Will you still have them around christmas? how much is shipping to 2257 NSW? Also where are you located?
  17. Please tell me what you got/how much/what condition. Its needed asap, dont want a hybrid peice of sh!t... Cheers,
  18. i know, but didnt know to that extent.... thats why i was making fun of it... A friend of mine put a garden blower, petrol 43cc one and connected the trottle line to the engines accelerator line and it worked quite well. It was a ford laser, but still we have fun for the weekend, before car blew up . Thought i would just add this random comment... -SiNDOWS
  19. Got cheap supercharger kit for under $300.... SURE DO hahahha take a look at this
  20. Can you answer my original questions... are those ebay ones anygood?
  21. How much are brotec's? Are all those ones on ebay cheap sh!t? - Also blitz, was that a typo "apoxi"? or is that really the brand. Cheers,
  22. Hey ya'll, I had an R33 NA for 6 months, then i just recently sold it and bought another R33, but its a GTST So im kinda new to turbo and whats good and bad, i understand the principal, but anything beyond that, im still learning. I have the stock plump back BOV and i am wanting to upgrade to something after maket. I have read the thread about ATMOS are GAY. I would like to find out for myself, see if it really does get annoying. LOL I was looking on ebay and say these. Im just wondering are they super shit, or decent? - This one - This one - And this one Give me your thoughts guys... I want something that makes a noise, but not soemhting that makes the car shudder like some have said... LOL -SiNDOWS
  23. Does it come with piping?
  24. LOL YEAH.... i will try and get some today....
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