What i hate the most is:
I am on my reds and im 17 i have an R33 GTS (non turbo) i get shit from people at school and people who dont even know me for not getting a "boosted R33" im like well the power behind this car is quite substantial and i dont want to rapp myself around a pole.....
I constantly get called a ***** cause my car is not turbo... but then i always ask them the same question... Um what was it you drove again, cherade, excel, civic...
That always shuts them up, i think (i am a 17 y.o P Plater) that its the imaged of turbo charged cars... The first time i got in one it scared the crap out of me (R32 GTR LOL) and teenagers just think if you put you foot down in an excel and then in a turbo charged car it will do the same thing accept mabey a little more power so they do it first chance they get and then at the end of the street they miss judge and rap the car around a pole...
Its got to do more with peer pressure...
I love my car and when im on my Greens i might think about getting a turbo car... I would love one but me, g/f and family dont want me to die younge....
Thats my 2c