yeah - the black dahlia looked pretty gay
guy wakes up to find that he has been injected with this "chinese shit" a "bankok cocktail" of drugs that cause his body to produce too much inhibatants which cause his heart to slow down. he starts to feel drowsy and takes off to his doc and finds that when he drives his car flat out he doesnt feel drowsy anymore
as it works out, the dude that injected him left a dvd recording and so he is out to get him
his doc is away but tells them that he needs a lot of some shit that will block the inhibitants, either that or he has to produce mass adrenaline - ie rooting his gf in public in chinatown, driving cars really fast, shooting lots of people, stealing lots of cars etc etc you no the story
finish is really gay tho, as he finds out that he is double crossed somewhere along the line (and no im not going to spoil the ending - just that it is really gay)
rating (hard to rate this one):
the extra half was for the action and shit - which was good, but story line lacked something, thus not 4 ninjas