Thats why we rocked up late, didn't go to the Port and went straight to TTP, Ate Maccas, watched everybody come in, and left well early to head up into the hills. You can't follow the pack in this sort of cruise, otherwise it's just like you said.
Hey peeps,
There seems to be a Pre Autosalon Cruise tomorrow night as per
Just wondering if anyone is heading to it, as im thinking i might.
What the crap, why does it say RB25DE under my avatar? Who put this there........It needs to at leasts have a T at the end God Damn Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Yeh that spot is gennerally the go!! You can go up the hill near the top and your basiccally on the track(watch out for cars), you can be like those crazy euro people that hang all over the track if you want of course!!
Yeh dude adds a little spice to it, makes it look a little like it came straight off Christians cars(cammo and all).
We should hook up for next Sunday If your keen, head out to Mallallallallallallalla.