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Everything posted by Deluxe

  1. Brad i'm paying $1100 premium and like $400 excess with all mods like PFC, Cooler, wheels, kit! Thats with Shannons and i could pay by the month as soon as i started(none of this 1st year crap) and choice of repairer! The only catch is it "supposidly" cant do more than 5k kms a year! But meh i don't do that anyways! EDIT: BTW my excess was like $700-900 before i turned 25, now 26! Shannons FTW with my situation! If i remember Just Cars quoted me like $900 Premium and like $1600 excess, So naturally i told them where to stick it!
  2. Yeh no shite i thought it was someone else...LOL Heard you beeping and thought WTF!
  3. So Andy mate....... You should be up around the 19psi then!! I'd flat out believe that, not much to climb when your nearly there!
  4. I sticker that says "What are YOU looking at" Yeh nice pics boys and girls!
  5. Happy Birthday Dan!!! Would come out but i'll be working, Sorry champ!
  6. Or a home....... Where they can be looked after! I think i remember her now........ They used to be on the corner near the windscreen joint, just down from there AVS used to be!!
  7. Wheels still available folks!!!
  8. That "ok?" is still giving us the option right??? Pfffft going there anyways champ........LOL Just when and how is my question!!!
  9. Nice work Andrew!! Did you choose the colour?? Personally would spray them black....... But looks the goods so far! How long til you drop her down??
  10. Sure am........ I just pick my prey wisely!!
  11. Do It, Do it! Come on just for shits and giggles!!!
  12. Yeh mate Shaun and Troy do the lot! I'm closeish to them so its good, BUT even with those sorta savings its worth booking in early with Boostworx AND make the drive from the North!
  13. Either that or they set it alight right next to a fire station........ :laughing-smiley-014: Sorry not really a laughing matter for someone!!
  14. Fully fledged bogans, and they know it........ I like it!!! :laughing-smiley-014:
  15. Where's all the drifters??? Surely they want some "pairs"
  16. Yeh i noticed that, Full 5 stud front end for a silvia or 180 right there.......... Wonder if they poped the bonnet and bang....... No Engine!!!
  17. Yeh well speeding is one thing........ Being STUPID is another! We've all sped a some stage, we've all got a speeding fine no doubt, BUT to be involed in a fatal crash is another thing!
  18. Geez that almost sounds tempting to giv it a go..........LOL
  19. No Duc, You just need to drive your car.......... Or are you driving it more than you used to these days???
  20. Yeh ACA and TT are a waste of time, You know they suck when you prefer to watch Neighbours....... The only "Current Affairs" show i watch is 60 mins! Now that is a show that shows better topics in alot better way!
  21. Always like watching this one, It's a 250cc Superkart doing Isle Of Man! If you've ever seen these bad boys out at Mallala they are as quick if not quicker than V8 Supercar! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q1JCyVle1k And this one is killa, Another 250cc Superkart doing Laguna Seca, everyone knows Laguna: Point and shoot, thats what kartings all about, F#@k i love karting!!!! Enjoy
  22. I agree, Rules aren't there to be broken, they are there as a comprimise for everyone, they are the "safest" way about things! It's not hard to follow, If you can't grow up and live life following those rules then go back to your mum and suck on her tit some more!!!! I couldn't give a rats ass if this guy had died.......... He speeds, His issue! BUT when there is other innocent people involed, then it becomes more of a community thing!
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