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Everything posted by Deluxe

  1. Gotta remember that ute has restrictions for its class........ was gonna say Andrews must be 400kw or more!! Our Celica was on the dyno at Boostworx that morning before we came and only pulled 185kw, think we ran a 1:18 that day with only 25psi oil pressure......lol
  2. Yeh mate i was in the car........ Andrew what happend to the GTR?? Saw you guys push it out the back of the pits and leave it there!! How much boost you running?? Car looked quick out there!! We were having oil issues all day, You should chuck a restrictor and a weld in cage and come race with us in IPRA.......
  3. What the........
  4. Either "A" dont worry about that sorta shit or "B" go out to a Modern regularity meeting which is held with the Superkarts(obviously not on track at the same time) and you go out in order or fastest to slowest and try to stick to a time!! But seriously of 10 years of going to the track i havnt once heard of people coming together, you get the odd loop out in front of ya but thats about it, and also in the last couple sessions there isnt that many people left, for example my mate in his rx4 pretty much had the track to himself in the last session a few weeks back!!
  5. They dont really have a "Max" cars and the more the worse it gets with traffic........ Just gotta remember its not racing and you are only allowed to over take on the straights and prefer not on the corners!!
  6. As above, and in the drift prac section it says a day cams licence is $25, so just using my brain i would think its not far from that......... link here: http://mallala.com/startyourengines/instructions.htm#cars
  7. well i guess full tank of juice, and about $90 for prac itself and about $20 for day licence or there abouts, so prob all up about $200!! Just remember you need to be wearing a long sleved top and jeans or something, and obviously a helmet!! I wont be meeting at the servo as i'll be heading out with my mates, but im sure it will be fine!! No they dont record lap times, you need a friend to come out and push the stop watch.... There is 5 sessions each i believe and they are 15min each session which is about when you will start smelling your brakes, so technically you get 1hr15min of track time!!
  8. Nope you dont, They have 4 groups, 1. Go Karts 2. Open wheelers 3. Cars(Cams licence holders) and 4. Cars(day licence holders) They have 5 sessions each, works out really well, gives you enough time to have a rest, let the car cool down a bit and change anything if need be!! Nope they dont check over your car, you can take out your mums brand new suzuki swift if she had one!! Sure is!!
  9. Mallala is running this track day, anyone can go....... Pay the coin get the wrist band and away you go, No scruitineering(sp) We will be out IP Celica(engine in tonight), Falcon Saloon Car(hopefully) and a mate in his Rx4!!
  10. Agreed, Service is in SA also, so if any issues he's just a phone call away!! Wont be any issues tho!!
  11. Lucky if you can get 3grams for 25 these days.....
  12. Pffff when the oil is only in there for 5k kms it prob wouldn't matter too much, they are both a similar grade anyways!! Castrol are also a decent "brand name" so whatever really!! Your engine wont go bang because it has Castrol in it as aposed to Motul, But it will go bang if you take too long to choose and you run out of oil!!
  13. I did show interest before but now i am moving on friday, and i'll give you the hot tip, I'll be drinking that night now........... Plus Mallala the next day!!
  14. I am one of the haters, still am!! I never wanted my car in there last year or if i still had it, wouldn't want it in there this year, As stated last year was more disappointed that cars got "chosen" without other even being informed, and now you want all the people that didnt even get a chance last year to come forward........... Good luck with that!! Your best bet would be to organise a cruise for all the weekly cruiseheads and finnish up there with a surprise entrance into the show.........
  15. Were you stealth?? Cant recall seeing a Line on my way to work yesterday!! Cop?? WoW, thats how much i no longer care about cops in the Aristo........ But no i dont get looked at by them anymore!!
  16. Only the best for AJD
  17. The S15....... Christ that going back........lol They never have Cars/open wheelers AND Bikes on one day, because if a car comes off at the kink it will smash the airbags to bits....... So on a Prac day it goes like this: Go Karts Open Wheelers / Clubmans Tin Tops (CAMS holders) Tin Tops (Day licence holders) Unless you have a private prac day which is what i think was on that monday......... hence why the bikes were out on the Saturday during the day and drifters were out at night!!
  18. Actually your right, now i remember........ WTF, what happened with the AFM situation?? Other people are running 32 GTR PFC's on their cars........
  19. Had a ET back in the day, ran 7psi low boost and 14psi high boost, I bet you know which was run the most......... Went thru 3 gearbox's, they are shite!! The Tx3's arent too bad, but always remember Jr who used to work at ET back back in the day with Marky, he had one and shat the box out also, unless you put a 4G Evo motor in them, then they rocket, was a black one out at Mallala the other week............
  20. WTF is going on with people these days?? 12.5 as is?? Bargain.........
  21. Spot on there mate, A mate of mine who runs a Saloon Car has a controlled EMS and gets it tuned by Dennis, either that or yeh give Shaun a call, he might be able to sort you out!!
  22. That Camys number plate is like "Tattod" or something similar, been around for aaaaaaaaaages!!
  23. Technically "A" because he/she has done a U turn over a double solid line......... But "B" should have looked in their rear view mirror to see if there was anything there, so they are a dumbass!!
  24. Bout a week and a half, Will be out there with the IPRA car and a mate in his Rx4!!
  25. I would assume the green one is a RB20 AFM?? I can understand why the 26 PFC would need 2 AFM readings as its twin turbs, but i dont see any reason why they cant wire it up to 1 AFM and have the same reading for both on the PFC, Im no mechanic or auto elec........
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