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Everything posted by Rolls

  1. is it actually possible for a 4" straight through muffler to really do any muffling at all? Even if the oval was 1 meter wide on its own it would still do bugger all surely?
  2. shipping a whole engine block would cost at least $500 if not more, $1k is probably a pretty accurate outcome for buying a $100 block shipping it there and some markup to make it actually worth while.
  3. well without a lot of those bits the turbo setup will be useless, hence why I would lump it all together and expect to either be without a car until they are done or you can afford to do it all. budget for absolute worst case as there will be things you haven't even though about that will pop up.
  4. It isn't like an NA car where tuned extractors and smaller pipes to maximise velocity help, on a turbo car the exhaust is under such a high pressure due to the collector you want it as free as possible, I really wouldn't doubt if a straight pipe helped power over the entire graph.
  5. none?
  6. pretty much all have different boost settings where you can just press a button, just cut the ass out of your ashtray and mount it in there, easy access and no one will ever see it, thats what I did
  7. If you have a plug from the opposite end of the scale maybe or the tune is right on the edge of detonation but it is unlikely with a stock tune as they are so bloody rich and have all the timing pulled out of them. Sounds more like the typical misfire than pinging to me from what I read in that thread but I could be wrong.
  8. then when you fry your clutch and realise your tyres aren't up to the job, then you have to replace all the other broken stuff that isn't up the job like fuel pumps etc, you might get lucky but I doubt youll get there for less than $2k
  9. it isn't going to make it worse though
  10. ohh no wonder I was confused, ty
  11. If no one can post the expansion rates of the tomei pistons and compare them to other reputable brands then I don't think anyone is going to take this that seriously, if you can't hear the piston slap there is no way in hell they are going to fail due to it in 30,000kms not to mention there are plenty of audible slapping pistons that last >100,000kms ive heard of lots of failed builds but none due to piston slap.
  12. oh right I got the impression it happened on the dyno, you said it happened after tuning, so it was happening before you took it there, why would you get it tuned if it was pushing loads of oil into the catch can?
  13. a stock tune wont ping, get it to a tuner! you have a sensor that has shit itself, something wrong with the fueling eg clogged injector or dead pump or someone has gone and wound the base timing up, plugs wont do anything. everyday you drive it the more damage you do to your pistons and bearings!
  14. we have already come to a conclusion and I believe everyone is happy they understand it, to maximise performance you want to shift at peak power and keep peak power under the curve, not peak torque under the curve, are you saying this is incorrect? edit: that link says the same thing, so I'm assuming you are in agreeable with everyone?
  15. yeah but the commodore makes most of its power from 2.5-4k where as the skyline makes most of it from 4-6k so the difference in gearing actually makes them about the same. a turbo is always going to be harder to control traction than a supercharger as there is some lag between pressing the pedal to the power being generated, there is some with superchargers but it almost always less.
  16. Sure if it makes you not enjoy the car then don't use it, doesn't mean it is a bad oil or that people shouldn't use it though. Scientists don't ever base results on a vibe.
  17. This is what I would have assumed as well, just trying to get an idea about why the records aren't basically the asme, probably has nothing to do with actual power and more to do with the cars.
  18. Don't see why they can't just expand the board, loads of room in the ECU, just needs the code to change chip select lines to the flash, might have to wait a minute for it to transfer it to the actual rom but you could certainly store 2 flash chips and hence maps within the ecu casing.
  19. Yeah at street power levels the extra valve train weight is more than made up for by extra valve area and the fact you have dual cams meaning less compromise with valve timing, however is it possible that at extreme rpm of 10-11k which some of these motors see that the extra valve train loss could become an issue, does anyone know if more or less lift can be achieved with single vs twin cam rbs?
  20. Agreed, see my thread where I asked how long motors last and who's had a motor grenade before 5,000kms, there was a reasonable number of people, something around 10-20% and I HIGHLY doubt that that many second hand motors grenade.
  21. Well if you thought that torque was the key to a fast car you would shift to maintain max average torque over the rpm range, and do the same for horsepower, obviously shifting to maximise max horsepower over the rev range makes a car faster, not peak torque.
  22. Jasma isn't a brand, it is a standard. If you want it loud it doesn't matter, get the muffler that looks the best, they are all straight through and won't do much muffling. The ones in the middle are the ones that really matter as they usually aren't straight through and will determine how loud the car is, or if you want to enjoy the RB rumble just ignore the middle muffler.
  23. Less valvetrain overhead at high rpm maybe? Wouldn't think it would breathe as well but perhaps you can get more lift in the cams.
  24. My opinion is it is far far more important to get the clearances right and a proper builder than getting the right pistons.
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