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Everything posted by Rolls

  1. Seriously send it to an English professor at any university and they will agree with me.
  2. He did use it correctly, the fact he didn't use a comma meant he wanted an 'extra special unit' not an 'extra, special unit'. The distributor who posted his PRIVATE email up on a message board interpreted it as if he had put a comma in. The distributor is in the wrong x2.
  3. My translation Could mean two things, though the lack of a comma makes it pretty implicit "could you send me an extra, special unit" as in send me one EXTRA unit, eg 1 more than you ordered. or "could you send me an................. extra special unit" Eg the unit is "extra special", eg better than usual, more reliable than usual, more special than usual. if you are Australian the later is what I would imagine 99% of people would interpret that saying as meaning. As I said "extra special" is a fairly Australian term I imagine so I can see how they might get confused, regardless it is extremely unprofessional for them to paste your email up on a message board including address and your paypal account. As far as the thread question goes it sounds like a communications error, either USB port, com port or te usb to com adaptor itself, all of these are easy to isolate and change. Buy a new usb adaptor, something they recommend as working preferably, try several laptops or remove it from the equation and borrow a laptop with a serial adaptor. If non of these fix it then I would say it is the unit itself, nothing more you can check yourself without sending the unit off.
  4. simply plugging in a consult cable should rule out a bunch of sensors as well.
  5. Point is it is a downgrade from the stock ecu and there is no good reason to buy or use one.
  6. Most likely too rich then, could be that this is a result of a new boost leak at the higher boost.
  7. Sounds like lots of things have changed and the problem could be one of many. Could you list exactly everything you have done in the exact order?
  8. Go whatever is cheapest.
  9. Missing is usually a combination of bad spark (probably 1.1mm plugs, go 0.8) and running too rich (10:1 or below)
  10. I am sure they will! Good luck with the sale : )
  11. What stopped you just putting another stocker in it? Sorry for the questions, just curious why I often see freshly built cars for sale, seems like a waste of money!
  12. standard they pull shitloads of timing so just needs a retune with nistune or something. Can make the car drive pretty shit when cold once you start modifying stuff.
  13. Better than nothing, its like $2 a plug for new ones though.
  14. Email nistune themselves and find out who in your area can do a nistune for you. A stock tune and the module etc wouldn't set you back much more than $600, a wideband alone is what $400? I really wouldn't waste your time, if you continue to mod your car an SAFC won't be good enough, might as well do it once do it properly, will get a much better tune with a nistune or powerfc etc.
  15. Speed cut if you have the stock ECU. If you don't then it probably doesn't have enough torque. Also banana bread kicks ass, do it bro.
  16. Why would you spend all that money and sell it ?
  17. Remapping the standard computer with one of those crappy eeprom flashers would be better than a microleb.
  18. Doesn't stop it being a featureless package that has crappy software though. I could put a blow through carby setup on my skyline that would work 'no problems' as well, doesn't mean it wouldn't be shit. What about when you turn your AC on, does it even have idle air control? If it does does it support AC ?
  19. knocked 4psi off mine! only had 2 cylinders leaking as well.
  20. Pretty easy to have a look and see, even better if you can get it on a dyno and stick your head in the engine bay.
  21. Check your engine mounts and see if they are flogged out 4cm is a lot.
  22. probably a good thing, microleb for the lose.
  23. Most tuners don't like working on cars with issues as they aren't the ones that normally fix this stuff and it makes tuning very difficult. If it only happens some times it sounds like it could be when the engine torques over either an intercooler hose, intake manifold gasket or exhaust gasket is leaking. Once you get the leak or whatever is causing this issue fixed take it back. I had a similar issue, the wrong gasket had been used between the two halves of the intake manifold, leaked all the time and when at peak torque would leak extra bad making a trumpet sound, only at peak torque and not always though. Was a total flamin mongrel to find and fix. When you pressure test the intake get a crow bar and put some mild leverage on the intake and intercooler pipes. You might find something that leaks when it gets twisted (when the engine torques over).
  24. As long as you don't spill petrol all over your exhaust I can't see the issue, no more dangerous than normal I'd say, it is just a precaution in the odd event you have arcing in your engine bay and there happens to be close to the lower explosive limit concentration of vapours in the air, basically a 1 in a million chance.
  25. Yes it has, you said when you got it it was running 20psi in the midrange and 14psi at redline, now its running 20psi at redline, thats a huge difference!!
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