Could be faulty knock sensors or engine noise and not real knock, it could also be really bad real knock and the sensors are not picking it up. I would highly recommend getting a tuner with a set of knock ears to sit in the car with you, drive it around hard on boost and then sit idling for 10-15minutes to really get the under bonnet temps to soar and heatsoak into the radiator/intercooler, then rev out 3rd or 2nd up a hill and get the tuner to listen, if it going to knock it will knock then, if it doesn't you can be pretty certain it will be safe all the time.
The hotter the weather when you do this the better, I had my car tuned but a reputable tuner and I got some bad detonation after doing this on a 28c day, we took 2 degrees out around peak torque and it never happened again, car didn't feel any different to drive either.