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Everything posted by justin911

  1. the 'skyline book' has howto do the climate diags http://members.iinet.net.au/~robi/skylinebook.pdf
  2. to much effort thanks for the idea tho
  3. nah i havnt sorry. ive just got whats left on the first page
  4. i could fix it.. but it sounds like a costly job.. probs need to order in some parts from sweden... you got a credit card ? does it atleast open / close when u press the button btw ?
  5. hey it would be cool if u could exclude subforums or woteva when you searched. like all the for-sale ones etc..
  6. cool thanks i ended up plugging in pfc for a sec.. the o2 sensors were moving so looks alrite. im getting her checked on wednesday anyways. btw on the gtr pfc whats 'o2 reg' for ?
  7. hey on my 33 gtr im tryin to work out the o2 sensor wiring so i can hook her upto a multimeter and see if there working. ive attached a pic, can someone tell me which pin in each connector i should be using ? thanks
  8. btw i also got the blue ecu connector for $40
  9. has anyone tried this with the 1/4 mile timer ?
  10. thanks for all the info it sounds like its not worth trying to take em off. the car is white and has one of them black plastic lips, im thinking maybe ill leave the pins on and paint them either white or black or something. there blue atm.
  11. on my rwc it has a few items under "defectable items" but it still passed... how does that work ?
  12. turn it into a meth lab
  13. well it took about 1.5 hours, we pissed off about 10 nieghbors.. damaged the driveway but my car is gone !!! yeeeeeeeeeeehaw thanks for ur help troy
  14. someone come take it a scrap metal place will give ya $80 for it... $250 if u drive to ballarat.. its like free money im giving u
  15. ill post up pics in a few weeks.. but ya someone best come up with some magic pretty soon if they wana win
  16. hey ppls ive got a CF bonnet with stupid bonnet pins and i wana take them off but obviously there will be 2 holes. Would it be pretty easy for a place to fix up the 2 holes and then respray it all again ? and assuming they knew what they were doing would i be able to tell it was ever fixed up ? i dunno how CF works.. also how much do you guys rekon a job like that is worth ?? and anyone in melb wana do it for me ?? thanks
  17. oh ya u can buy everything in the thread now for $1300 (besides the engine...)
  18. someone buy the foglights for $100 resprayed in dec 2006 !! practicaly new
  19. isnt the tapping in the clutch the fork thing sometimes ? mine used to do it. clutch was fine though.
  20. thorpe84 which place in melb did u goto just out of curiosity ?
  21. hehe someones got abit of an ego problem... seems to be the same in every post/thread they do... i no a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who's just bought 1 !!!! did i win ????
  22. ladies, ive searched.. but how many kw is a stock 33 gtr ?? in real world figures, not the factory figures... someone musta slapped there stock gtr on a dyno ?? thanks
  23. ive decided to do this, so all the spots r taken now aparantly theres a special pink flag organised for you matt
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