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Everything posted by justin911

  1. Trash...*edited*
  2. Trash...*edited*
  3. yip they didnt get you for the boost controller, turbo or remap..
  4. sounds like you got off pretty easy how do u get pulled over 25 times in a yr anyways ??
  5. mine did the same thing once i regapped my plugs to 0.6.. its better than missing when the car is moving so i try to ignore it
  6. do you get any gay flutter noises with the stock bov ??
  7. with the normal drag racing thing... i had a look on the site.. it speaks of $40.. is that it ?? you dont need to pay for some expensive bracket or anything ?? and how many go's do you get ?
  8. justin911

    Thanks Mag86

  9. the stock pipe which connects from the intake to the T connector has a little restrictor in it also, so you goto replace that pipe 2
  10. hehe i rekon you'd be surprised.. it gives it that good pod feel without the gay sucking noise.
  11. this is wat i did.. from my 'sticking my hand in and feeling the temps' test the air inside the airbox and around the front is cooler than the air inside the snorkel. i use the stock intercooler pipes still so i think they block some of the air like a partition type thing.. also i rekon on the s2's the grill blocks to much airflow, theres no gaps or anything in it.
  12. does 'switch the compressor off at idle' mean the cold air stops ?? pretty gay if it does
  13. ok people... lets just say things that shouldnt of been touched where touched....not important whos at fault.. can someone with a hks actuator take a pic or something please so i can see how big the stupid rod thing is meant to be ? ive tried a few times but now the ebc isnt as happy anymore
  14. ya dezz has a pfc
  15. heres a pic... ??? does mine look tight or loose ?
  16. im only running ~13psi.. ive got my ebc hooked in and it works alright.. but i think the wastegate is set at 18psi which is maybe the problem ?? how do i go about making her looser ?
  17. hmm sounds like my issue. ive got an adjustable hks one also.. its got the bolt in the middle of the rod.. which way do i turn it to tighten / loosen it ?? also if i play with the wastegate do i need to get her dynod again if i dont increase the boost at all ??
  18. i weighed my r33 gtst hicas the other night... it was only 4.9kg i thought the rumours on sau were its meant to be 20kg ???
  19. is that the porsche place on victoria st ?
  20. how do u go about changing the circlip thingy just outa interest ??
  21. hey ppls i wanted to change the setting on my swaybar.. it looks pretty easy to change.. just wondering though do i need to jack the car up ?? is there lots of pressure on the swaybar ?? and will it be easy to put the bolt back in once i take it out ? oh yeah.. one more minor detail ive drawn a pic of the swaybar, at the moment its connected to hole #2 in the middle.. which hole would i put it in to make it looser.. 1 or 3 ?? thanks
  22. he'll probs just upgrade from hoon to armed robber to make up the lost $$
  23. why dont they lock him up for a couple of months ? seems stupid how whenever someones caught like 8000 times doing something wrong... they loose there licence... then u see on the news there getting in there car and driving away from the court.
  24. heavy rain and possible flash floods i heard at about 12pm on nova shoulda left the rudder on...
  25. ya slap em up.. im bored now
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