Ok peoples... this happened like 2 mins ago, im ever so proud
I was trying to sleep as one does at 1;45am.. and we heard glass brake so my parents run outside and notice the window of there car is smashed and the glovebox is ripped open.... My mom saw the one guy he was wearing a black jacket and a black cap.
I quickly decided to drive round the area and see if i can find em, and finaly enough i see a guy fitting the discription snooping around cars 1km away from my house on malvern rd in armadale. The guy quickly jumped in his car and sped off when he noticed i was watching. i followed in the mighty skyline you could tell he was dodgy, when he relised i was following him he kept changing his direction indicating left and then turning right etc.... Then i notice the cops drive past him on the way to my house so i try to flag em down and get them to do a uturn and chase after them, which didnt quite work.
I gave the cops his rego and (surprise surprise) the owner of the car has 2 prior car theft charges !!!!!
Police are on there way now to pickup the little fella
Case closed !!
Dectective justin strikes again no reward for me though....
BTW if anyone ever see's a blue Rodeo pickup truck, rego WOT-004 be sure to return the favour and smash in his window / go through the glovebox