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Everything posted by justin911

  1. its very unfortunate people died. But maybe people shouldnt be running from the police ????????????? Its not like they stopped and the police were shooting at them so they had choice but to drive off. If all the P plater was doing was speeding why didnt he stop ???? There is only 1 person to blame, and regardless of the outcome, that is the driver of the car they were chasing. anyways im sure the guys down at noble park maccas will be missing you, so run along now
  2. not trying to be negative, just trying to be helpful but you should return it or sell it and buy one of those "$22 boost controllers". The gfb ones are realy crap, and spike a few bit more than the $22 one.. same goes for the turbosmart, there both realy realy crap
  3. justin911

    Miss Juz On Tv!

    i *think* they will have the repeat on again on saturday... they seem to do that with 'the car show'
  4. I'll buy the 1 rear pod please PM me your bank account details and shipping costs to melbourne and i'll deposit it asap thanks
  5. i live inbetween 2 police stations malvern station is like 1km down the road, and glenferrie is 1km up the road.. Unfortunatly though i doubt anything will happen to the guy... he had been caught stealing cars on 2 seperate occasions previously and he's still roaming around
  6. Aparantly someone with a CLK up the road at around the same time, also had there window broken and all the wiring under the dash is all hacked up. My moms just got a crapy astra convertible... now im no brain surgeon but if you wanted to brake into a convertible wouldnt you just cut the soft roof material stuff ????
  7. Ok peoples... this happened like 2 mins ago, im ever so proud I was trying to sleep as one does at 1;45am.. and we heard glass brake so my parents run outside and notice the window of there car is smashed and the glovebox is ripped open.... My mom saw the one guy he was wearing a black jacket and a black cap. I quickly decided to drive round the area and see if i can find em, and finaly enough i see a guy fitting the discription snooping around cars 1km away from my house on malvern rd in armadale. The guy quickly jumped in his car and sped off when he noticed i was watching. i followed in the mighty skyline you could tell he was dodgy, when he relised i was following him he kept changing his direction indicating left and then turning right etc.... Then i notice the cops drive past him on the way to my house so i try to flag em down and get them to do a uturn and chase after them, which didnt quite work. I gave the cops his rego and (surprise surprise) the owner of the car has 2 prior car theft charges !!!!! Police are on there way now to pickup the little fella Case closed !! Dectective justin strikes again no reward for me though.... BTW if anyone ever see's a blue Rodeo pickup truck, rego WOT-004 be sure to return the favour and smash in his window / go through the glovebox
  8. i dunno why you guys are giving the life story of dynos............. everyone knows diff dyno/diff day/diff car you get a differant reading... the hole thing only started because themafia said anyone who gets over 150kw with blahblah mods "is talking shit"
  9. paul, were debating if a stock r33 gtst (a manual one i think were talking about) makes 125kw... or 140kw stock...
  10. i havnt bagged anyone out or been rude/insulted or anything to that affect. I've been quite civil actualy.. i was trying to do the hole discussion thing your first post however started out by saying.... anyone who thinks blah blah "is full of shit"
  11. there you just said then... as you said in your water/meth injection thread.. the higher octane seems to make a differance... so how are you comparing your dyno runs with your fuel to everyone elses ??
  12. if that was to me, i wasnt quoting you... just stating wat every other person on sau seems to get... the fact of the matter is... your running differant petrol and your saying your dyno result is correct... everyone else who runs slightly better petrols is wrong.. because theres seems to make abit more... unless the hole octane / power thing is a big conspiracy...
  13. the reason everyone got so defensive is because you said you wont make more than 150kw without an aftermarket ecu...
  14. one last thing, themafia dont you use 95octane petrol or something ??? wouldnt that make you get less power than say someone using 98 ??
  15. were talking about manuals btw ya ???? cause ive seen a few auto's make around 125kw... also when i just put my exhaust on i made about 167kw... so going by the 125kw theory.... 167 - 125 = 42kw... whereas... 167 - 140 = 27kw... unless exhausts suddenly make upto 40+kw differance ???
  16. regardless of what ppl on sau say about what they make stock... blah blah blah how did yours make 125kw stock... and then 210kw (85kw differance) with exhaust/intercooler/pfc ?? exhaust lets say 30kw... fmic - i didnt think it added much/any.. but say 5kw... pfc tune - 30kw = 65kw... where is your car picking up the extra 20kw from ?? (85kw - 65kw = 20kw) im sure some ppls cars make 125kw as each dyno gives a differant result, as everyone has stated and im sure everyone agrees with... im just curious how you somehow got an extra 20kw ???
  17. i was looking for this the other day http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...t&p=2145110 BTW... when you search, make sure you select "any date" and "select titles only"
  18. *edit* woops i read your post properly this time... thanks
  19. can i pay at D4D ??? I understand ive incured the $5 charge for paying late, but thats cool
  20. going by your figure of r33 = 125kw stock... after you put on a exhaust/fmic/powerfc you got 85kw increase... (210 - 125kw = 85) looks like perhaps your dyno is the 'happy' dyno.. unless you have some special exhaust / fmic which nobody else has heard of before... either that or your getting some special tune on your pfc which no other tuners seem to be able to do.. also... if you only get 150kw max without an ecu... then your saying your pfc added 60kw.. like i said, your tuner must be doing something which noone else knows about...
  21. sorry i thought when you said 'you posted up on the forum' you meant you had been posting on sau for a while, my mistake
  22. interesting you had to make a new user to post all that up
  23. try as mad082 said, and start the car then put needles on... Would be pretty silly paying for someone to 'calibrate' them.. I screwed up my fuel gauge / speedo a while bak when i took the needles off.. speedo was off by 20km etc.. but the ol start the car then put the needle on trick worked acharm.
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