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Everything posted by justin911

  1. spotted a black 34 gtt at my work carpark last few days.. church rd, richmond.. anyone from here ??
  2. yip i just got it 2day also... only played for a few hours, pretty much over it now. is there just 6 lowsy tracks or am i missing something ?
  3. justin911


    13. your vehicle is being driven/ridden or used while in an unroadworthy or unsafe condition. This exclusion will not apply if you prove that: • you could not reasonably have detected the unsafe or unroadworthy condition; or • the loss, damage or legal liability was not caused or contributed to by the unsafe or unroadworthy condition. but ya the the last dot point is agreeing with what you said about prooving it caused the accident
  4. just use whiteout....
  5. how could they possibly not notice ??
  6. if they pull you over and you quickly chuck something under your seat i rekon you'll probs be on the side of the road in handcuffs while the sniffer dogs go through your car
  7. i had one of those atomic bleed valves, there pieces of crap i sold mine after like 2 weeks. get one of these http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Turbotech-manual-tu...1QQcmdZViewItem there was a 10000 page thread about them at one stage on sau, there good
  8. i had a 33 gtst with a hks 2535 that made 250kw, but i realy think it was more like 220-230rwkw.. anywho now ive got a stock 33 gtr with just a catbak and it makes 200rwkw and its just as much fun as my old car, if not more Its a bit laggier but you get used to that after a few weeks. im not into drifting or going sideways etc, so im loving the 4wd when it kicks in and to get a gtr to 250rwkw is way cheaper than a gtst. you just need exhaust/cam gear and a pfc. a 250kw gtst your gonna need pfc/exhaust/turbo/injectors/intercooler/ebc and other things im probably forgetting. not to mention my 12 yr old stock gtr suspension feels better than my bilstein/whiteline kit i got a couple of years ago
  9. i got one from a 33 gtst if that helps at all ?
  10. i got 1000000000's of diff bolts from my gtst if anyone needs any car specific type ones
  11. mpls... how 2001.. vpls is where its at
  12. you'd have to drive quick though, damn goths / junkies at flinders st would smell the chocolate from a mile away
  13. hehe we did the great nsw take over last yr, made like 15 of the same threads in nsw. few ppl were abit teary eyed after that
  14. *edit* hmm never mind
  15. 1) yip 2) should have a mines sticker on it 3) dont think u can retune the mines ones have a look in here, has a picture of one and some other info http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Mi...cu-t210390.html
  16. i think the ppl at creatd motorsports in campbellfield can do that for ya
  17. i hear kris will be dressing up as the easter bunny and handing out eggs to the kiddies !
  18. if your car went atiny bit sideways they could get you for loss of traction. you could just drive normaly and not have to worry................
  19. paul post up pics of your car, show em what an undercover skyline with the antennas would look like
  20. enter button works better than html codes i think
  21. we need a reverse spotted thread, list the people you didnt spot each day !
  22. a guy in the UK makes a very similar model except his doesnt have the 4wd/2wd switch. His just has a on/off switch instead. It also has 10 diff settings. its called the Skylabs TSC - goto www.gtr.co.uk then goto the shop section and you'll find it.
  23. this might be a stupid question, but all you ppls with shannons and these controllers, did you tell shannons about it ?? I know its better to let them know, but im not sure what to do.... ??
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