Hrmmmmm... Goes and digs up my emails...
November 2005 you say...
God bless gmail!
On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 1:23 PM, ben bona ddio <
[email protected]> wrote:
yeh 390 is sweet like its still very drivable for normal driving, very smooth, then its makin 21psi by 3800 and it comes in strong, nut hits 5000 an it just starts frying tires hehe its fun
From: "Matt Lowth" <
[email protected]>
To: "ben bona ddio" <
[email protected]>
Subject: Re: The engine in your car?
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 12:20:08 +1000
Ahh sweet - no dramas - I just wasn't sure where it was.
Geezus - 440rwkw - that's insane - that's nearly 800hp at the crank. 390's
still very much up there - How is it to drive like that?
On 5/26/06, ben bona ddio <
[email protected]> wrote:
hey mate, hmm i told the finance company, ill gie em another ring just to
make sure though...
we made about 440rwkw then the plenum cracked lol so its fixed now but the
car was pretty un divable just spinning all the time so atm ive got it
on about 390rwkw on 21psi
>From: "Matt Lowth" <
[email protected]>
>To: "ben bona ddio" <
[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: The engine in your car?
>Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 10:59:48 +1000
>G'day mate,
>Just wondering whether you'd had any luck with the engine yet?
>Oh - and have you had your tune finished yet? I'm keen as to see what it