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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. no as i said its a long story ..... dont really feel like telling the whole story right now ..... involves too much typing.
  2. long story chaos the guy that was stabbed is now been transferred to Royal Perth Hospital .... it was "touch n go" but he's stable now ..... had two arteries cut in his throat .... and his arm slashed.
  3. im back ... just had to drop dad off .... Ben's already there - he's coming home with Ben .... poor Ben only had his brand new SS two weeks and now the interior is all soaked with blood
  4. well that was short lived .... GTG take my dad to the Police station ..... its been a real eventful night .... dad wants someone to move in with me while they are away fro protection but i dont have anybody
  5. hey all
  6. i dont hate animals ive got a cat .... concidentally she's as black as my car and likes to sleep on it. But yeah i can just liken the relationship i have with my car as i do with my cat ..... i care about as much about my car as i do my cat. Anyway enough talk about pussiies
  7. haha this really ricey honda accord just went past .... horrible gay wing!
  8. lucky bugger .... cya!
  9. haha .... whats wrong with Dilbert .... it was the only book in the library that wasnt on motivation and empowerment "im number one ... and i can do anything if i set my mind to it" crapola.
  10. Manager: Ive been saying for years employees are our most valuable asset .... it turns out i was wrong. Money is our most valuable asset. Employees are 9th. Dilbert: Im afraid to ask what came in eigth Manager: Carbon Paper
  11. you going to send your ninjas after me? .....u work for the CIA dont ya Dan DONT YOU!
  12. oh its a seclet ......
  13. haha .... im sure you'll survive .... what do you do exactly? i know you work for a telecommunications place.
  14. indeed it is ..... its called work
  15. this Dilbert book is really funny they've got like three copies .... wonder if they would mind if i borrowed it? *jk*
  16. Dont ya just love this people that waltz in and say hi then without any notice just disappear
  17. morning? you in USA or something?
  18. Kodak introduced a single-use camera called the Weekender. Customers have called the support line to ask if its okay to use during the week ..... true story
  19. i gotta pick my folks up from their xmas bash tonight too. slow heavy vehicle bus!
  20. lucky you - bye!
  21. im a weird person :crazy:
  22. u sounded like a two year old kid "but i waaant my lolly noooow mummy - i dun wanna wait to after dinner .... i want it now" make more sense now? probably not
  23. be quiet or you'll be sent to bed with no dinner!
  24. one day ..... but not today!
  25. kewl ..... Dilbert comics
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