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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by Nizmo

  1. Bring on beer oclock - be heading off into town for an our n half .... mel n i are going to Durty Nellys.
  2. hahah tell me about it!! :bahaha:
  3. yeah i remember that photo being taken.
  4. The one under the article about the unfortunate "lexus incident" but yeah theres a lot of assumptions going on oh well - i think anyone owning an import better lie low for a while! Paul if i could lick my own arse i would tell you the flavour but i cant ..... at least i dont think i can.
  5. the article in todays West .... Boy racers ... a bit sexist :uh-huh:
  6. haha just got this Office Nickname Generator thru email: Mine is Candy Arse :bahaha: One time really bored at work and so was a friend of mine Ryan and we went thru the internet looking for every name generator we could find ... porn star nick generator and it just got outta control from there ....... ahhh the day before SAU
  7. bye Ken have fun..... dont do anything i wouldnt do
  8. holiday eh? where are the lovebirds off too?
  9. *** i wonder who that could possibly be
  10. soudns like it - they just said Tuesday. But hey this job was only meant to be for two weeks ......... 8 months later. oh well wouldve offered it to someone else by now.
  11. PHUCK!! i cant believe i just had to pass up a job at 92.9 for the Melbourne Cup ...... bugger why does everything have to clash!!
  12. not many people can Paul :elaugh: more intimidating than a nuclear weapon!
  13. Yeah lets create a SAUWA posse ..... barge in there and intimidate them! :bang: Can i still chain myself to the gates Greenpeace stylin' with "Save the Black Whale' sign?
  14. hehe blondes arent so dumb after all
  15. Paul ..... no you wouldnt because you would have to put up with all the whinging and tantrum throwing if it did and i dont think thats a risk your prepared to take
  16. Roosters dont lay eggs
  17. haha your a brave guy Nate Thanks Heaps :grouphug: fingers x'ssed for tonight because i dont think i could survive a 2.5hr trip down to Bunbury on the weekend without music (lasers radio doenst work )
  18. $200?? rather my car look like shit. Paul as long as they are all nice n tidy looking in the car yeah i know champagne taste ..... beer budget! :grouphug: Lee.
  19. a lot ..... mine should come back detailed!!
  20. $727AUD for Gauges ...... i dont think so!! How can people justify these prices for lil bits of plastic ....eh? eh?!
  21. ooooo Defi Din Gauge ..... gimme gimme ......
  22. i hate the server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. go the whales!!
  24. ok you can all comeback now :)
  25. thanks Ken ..... Best wishes in the new venture!! :grouphug:
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